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Planum. The Journal of Urbanism | Planum Publisher
Planum is the first European on-line journal entirely devoted to planners and to the whole community of people involved in city development and environmental sustainability. For 90 years Planum has been a unique tool for practitioners and scholars to disseminate culture, models and experiences throughout Europe, offering a wide range of risourcers among scientific journals, books, events, evaluations and values which are at the base of public policies and actions. For this reason, Planum plays an important role as virtual interface between European and Regional planning, creating a synergic interaction between scholars, researchers and students, consultant planners, policy-makers, employees in planning & design firms and technical professionals. Planum is property of INU (Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, Italy) and managed by an international association, the "Planum Association". To know more about our partners, you can find more information at the end of this page.
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Patrizia Gabellini
Responsable Director Honorary Professor Politecnico di Milano |
• Bandarin Francesco, Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO
• Basabe Montalvo Luis Manuel, ETSAM-UPM, Madrid
• Bertolini Luca, UvA Universiteit Van Amsterdam
• Cremaschi Marco, SciencesPo, Parigi
• Eckardt Frank, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
• Gallent Nick, UCL, Bartlett School of Planning
• Grønning Marius, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
• Knieling Joerg, HafenCity Universität Hamburg
• Llop Carlos, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
• Madanipour Ali, Newcastle University
• Pasqui Gabriele, Politecnico di Milano
• Viganò Paola, Università IUAV, Venezia
Andrea di Giovanni (Assistant Director), Claudia Botti, Alice Buoli, Salvatore Caschetto, Diana Cerri, Anita De Franco, Pietro Elisei, Arman Fadei, Leonora Grceva, Laura Infante, Paola Piscitelli, Petra Potz, Marina Reissner, Ariane Sept, Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr, Catherine Vandermeulen, Virginia Vecchi
Annalisa Gorgitano, Minoo Javareshkian, Francesca Leccis, Marta Ponti, Davide Pozzoni, Marco Norcaro.
• Luca Gaeta, Politecnico di Milano | Editor
• Francesco Curci (Ibidem Project)
• Carlotta Fioretti (Ibidem Project)
• Silvia Gugu (Ibidem Project)
• Marco Milini (Ibidem Project)
• Laura Pierantoni (Ibidem Project)
• Nicola Vazzoler (Ibidem Project)
• Leonardo Ciacci, Università IUAV di Venezia | Editor
The proposal for an on-line European Journal of Planning was first discussed at the workshop on "Town Planning Journals and Dissemination of the Discipline", organised at the 2nd Biennial of Towns and Planners (Rome, 12th September 1997) by INU (Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, the Association that groups Italian town planners together).
The workshop was aimed to investigate the feasibility of an electronic journal of planning which would be jointly edited by the numerous journals working in the field of planning theory and practice. The proposal was discussed by the editors in chief of the main European journals in Great Britain (TPR), France (Urbanisme), Germany (Raumplanung), Spain (Urbanismo), Portugal (Sociedade e Territòrio), Switzerland (DISP), and Italy (Urbanistica).
This meeting was been the starting point for an intensive effort which has developed the first release of "Planum" in September 1999. The project aimed to favour the cohesion among EU member states and regions, activating an exchange network of information, reviews and proposals for urban design, regional planning and city management. For that aim, in 2000 it was presented and funded by…
The partners of the original project were:
- INU, Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica - Roma (co-ordinator)
- DISP, Dokumente und Informationen zur Schweizerischen Orts-,
Regional- und Landesplanung - Zürich - FNAU, Fédération Nationale d'Agences d'Urbanisme - Paris
- IfR e.V., Informationskreis für Raumplanung e.V. - Dortmund
- IEMB, Institut d'Estudis Metropolitans de Barcelona - Barcelona
- TUB, Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung - Berlin
- ST, Sociedade e Territòrio - Lisboa TPR
- TPR, Town Planning Review - Liverpool
Planum counts more than 1200 contacts a day on average (for over 9.500 pages 38.000 hits), 6.000 impressions and 15.300 view pages monthly. More than 20.500 planners (practitioners, researchers, governmental employees, local administrators, architects etc.) in over 90 countries of the world receive our periodical electronic newsletter. The Planum Internet Community consists of about 40.000 users.
A wide and enthusiast participation is the basic condition to sustain Planum. To avoid the possibility of sending materials with a wrong editing or not publishable for technical lacks, there are some instructions for authors. The Editorial Guidelines for accademic papers can be found on this page. The texts proposed for publishing in the section Planum Magazine are evaluated by two referees chosen by the editorial board according to their expertise. The two referees are part of the accademic world and are experts in different fields relateted to the topic's articles.
Registered by the Court of Rome on 4/12/2001
under the number 514/2001
ISSN 1723-0993
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3