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19 September 2013 – 21 September 2013
The Rise of New Periphery in the World CALL FOR PAPERS
Kiev, Ukraine
DEADLINE | 1.02.2013
EADI | European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes
Working Group on Transformation in the World System
The working group “Transformations in the World System – Comparative Studies of Development” launches the workshop “The Rise of New Periphery in the World”.
The workshop will be held in Kiev on September 19-21, 2013 and hosted by the State University (Faculty of Sociology). The working languages are English and French, according to the statute of EADI.
The concepts of periphery and core (centre) have been the key elements of the world-system analysis and development studies since the mid-20th century when this discipline of social sciences has emerged. Apparently, periphery and core have been performed and co-evolved as opposites undistinguishable from each other.
At present, when one can see the rise and expansion of zones falling almost completely out of the global integration process widely accepted concepts of development should be reconsidered.
The process of globalisation put the following questions: can the world core exist without periphery, and if yes, to what extent? Does non-inclusion into the global financial-commercial and economic system mean complete detachment from the world periphery? Can periphery extend independently from the global commercial and financial sub-systems? Where does the economic growth of failed and semi-failed states really arrive at? What are the social-economic and political factors favourable to self-exclusion (self-expulsion) of some countries from the world system?
The focus of the working group will be on the special case of East European and the CIS countries. The propose is to discuss the following issues:
• Post-Soviet economic system versus free/social market economy;
• Privatisation of the state versus privatisation of enterprises;
• Integration into the global market and survival of the old (non-market, statist and protectionist) economic system;
• Internal periphery: preconditions and prospects of its emergence and evolution; poverty and exclusion from social and economic development;
• Corruption as a characteristic feature of post-Soviet societies and patrimonial, client statehood;
• Anti-developmental state; de-institutionalisation of the state (destruction of political and legal institutions);
• Political revolutions without social transformations: a vicious circle of stagnation and revolts;
• Problem of social agents of modernisation: where and which are the social strata capable to initiate and maintain development?
1.02.2013 | Abstracts submission
15.02.2013 | Notification of selected abstracts
15.06.2013 | Full papers submission
30.06.2013 | Notification of selected papers
EADI Website
Conveners of the working group:
• Victor Krasilshchikov | Russia
EMAIL(1) |
EMAIL (2) |
• Imre Lévai, Hungary
EMAIL(1) |
EMAIL (2) |
Event schedule:
- Start: 09-19-2013
- End: 09-21-2013.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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