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11 July 2009 – 9 July 2010

Cerdà Year - Barcelona

[i]150th anniversary of the Plan for the Remodelling and Extension of Barcelona’s Eixample[/i] June 2009 – June 2010 Thursday 11 June saw the official launch of Cerdà Year, an initiative of Barcelona City Council to mark the 150th anniversary of the Plan for the Remodelling and Extension of Barcelona’s Eixample, designed by Ildelfons Cerdà in 1859. From 11 June 2009 to June 2010, a series of activities and events will explore the figure of Cerdà and the urbanistic plan that allowed the city of Barcelona to grow in orderly fashion and efficiently address the problems of a city trapped within its walls. Architect Joan Busquets, historian Joan Fuster and geographer Francesc Muñoz make up the advisory board devising and supervising the programme of activities for the 150th anniversary of Cerdà’s Plan. Barcelona past, present and future Exhibitions, spaces for debate and reflection, urban itineraries, activities in public space, publications, an educational project, digital archives and the Cerdà Year website will allow the public to explore the past, present and future of Barcelona. They will take place in a framework of debate between experts, administrations and institutions on the theme of the urban development plan that has become the DNA of the modern city. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-11-2009
  • End: 07-09-2010.