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18 May 2010 – 2 June 2010

Climate change and mobility in the USA: who makes the Law?

[i]Climate change, urban mobility and Cleantech[/i] Invitation 2 june 2010 Paris In the United States, the promoters of the market and Cleantech firms expect government to make political commitments and issue ambitious laws and strict regulations. Is climate change in the process of overturning American values with regard to mobility, through the markets and through a transformation of public action, of its role in society and of its legal resources? What about the laws discussed in the Senate or the much media touted Californian laws? What are the influences during their elaboration? Are they opening up new possibilities for action for citizens or NGOs? What real effects can we expect from them? Two situations: California and its successive laws on climate change, which have a significant impact on mobility; and New York where there is a competition between State and City on this issue. ■ Guest experts: Elizabeth Deakin, Professor of City & Regional Planning and Urban Design, UC Berkeley Albert Bressand, Aristotle Onassis Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University (SIPA) and Director of the Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Affairs ■ Discussant and session leader: Benoît Lefèvre, Research Fellow, Institute of sustainable development and international relations (IDDRI). ■ Information and registration:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-18-2010
  • End: 06-02-2010.