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24 November 2016 – 26 November 2016
CUI 2016 Contemporary Urban Issue Conference on Informality
Istanbul, Turkey
• DAKAM | Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center
• BILSAS | Science, Art, Sport Productions
The conference aims at fostering discussions of theory and research on urban issues. Focusing on a multidimensional urban phenomenon, this international conference aims to deepen the understanding of informality by opening it to discussion with contributions from various disciplines likearchitecture, urban planning, sociology, history, economy and anthropology.
CUI '16 / IV. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference will be held at Nippon Meeting Halls in Istanbul.
You can easily reach Nippon Conference Halls by walking from Taksim Square.
Emergence of informality as a concept in scholarly discussions can be traced back to the 1970s when “the informal sector” was first used by ILO reports on employment and poverty. The results of the global economic restructuring -such as the flexibilization of production and employment relations, deterioration of collective responsibility and welfare functions of the state- damage the security of urban poor in terms of housing and working. Meanwhile, recent socio economic public policies seem to intensify the condition of informality. Now, it is widely accepted that informal way of living is a necessity for the urban poor as a survival strategy. Hence, informal work and housing constitute a significant proportion of urban economies and policies.
What is new in the neo-liberal age is the extending scope of informality. Today, the boundary between the formal and informal is blurred more than before since most urbanites, including the middle classes, experience both formal and informal encounters in their everyday life. Besides, even the urban rich contribute to informality by the development projects on the invaded peripheral land. Consequently, contemporary informality affects not just a marginal segment of the society but a majority of people living in urban space.
• Track 01: Rethinking Informality; Informality at home, Informality at work, Informality in theory
• Track 02: Transportation, Planning and Local Administrations
• Track 03: Policy Matters and Political Transformations
• Track 04: Economy, Inequality and Urban Space
• Track 05: Ecology and Urban Studies
There are three participation categories:
1. In-person participation (Oral Presentation):
Regular conference presentation, the participants attend personally. Presentations must be 15 minutes long. Slide shows, video or voice files, pictures, texts, physical objects and etc. can be used.
2. Virtual presentation:
Participants who are unable to attend physically to the conference can choose the virtual presentation category. For this15 minutes long video or Power Point presentation with voice-over will be needed.Virtual presentations will be screened at the end of the sessions. You will receive your proceedings e-book and certificate online.
3. Poster presentation:
Posters must be in A1 size and vertical. Posters will be screened in one of the halls. Therefore the posters should have been uploaded as a JPG file.
19.08.2016 | Deadline for submission of abstracts
14.10.2016 | Final date for registration
21.10.2016 | Deadline for full papers submission
1. Acceptance Letter
After the abstract submission, you will receive a notification related to your abstract within three weeks.Proposals will be selected according to double-blind peer reviews by the scientific committee. If your proposal is accepted, you will receive an acceptance letter. In that case, you will need to fill in the registration form to confirm your participation.
2. Participation Certificate
You will receive a single participation certificate at end of the last session, including the names of all authors, title of the paper, presentation type, signature and stamp. In case other kind of document might be needed, ask for it beforehand the conference.
3. Invoice
You will receive an electronic official invoice instantly for your credit card payment. Payment with any other methods, like wire tranfer or ay on desk, is possible at the first day of the conference.
All type of presentations' full papers will be published in the conference proceedings e-book with an ISBN number, which will be sent to Thomson Reuter's Web of Science index to be evaluated. Thus all full papers must be uploaded to our submission system, before the related deadline. If you will not upload your full paper in time, only your abstract will be published in the conference proceedings book as your participation. For any reason, if you do not want to publish your full paper in the conference proceedings book, you must inform us.
You must follow the guidelines and templates which are available on the GUIDELINES page, when you are composing your full paper. Please follow the announcements for special agreements with academic journals for selected papers to be published after the conference.
• Emeritus Professor Dr. Alan Gilbert, University College London
• Professor Dr. Yurdanur Dülgeroglu
• Professor Oren Yiftachel, Ben-Gurion University
• Professor Dr. Sigrun Prahl, Hochschule Niederrhein Design
• Professor Dr. Ebru Çubukçu, Dokuz Eylül University
• Professor Dr. Ali Türk, Süleyman Demirel University
• Associate Professor A. Serap Tunçer, Ahi Evran University
• Associate Professor Feride Önal, Yıldız Technical University
• Associate Professor Yelda Aydın Türk, Karadeniz Technical University
• Associate Professor Evrim Töre, Kültür University
• Associate Professor Murat Sahin, Özyegin University
• Associate Professor Hayat Zengin, Dokuz Eylul University
• Associate Professor Gülin Beyhan, Süleyman Demirel University
• Assistant Professor Ulas Sunata- Bahçesehir University
• Assistant Professor Elvan Erkmen - Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
• Assistant Professor Aysem Ela Kaçel- Bahçeşehir University
• Assistant Professor Yıldız Aksoy, Istanbul Aydın University
• Assistant Professor Çigdem Canbay Türkyılmaz, Yıldız Technical University
• Assistant Professor Sanem Özen Turan, Karadeniz Technical University
• Assistant Professor Erbatur Çavusoglu, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
• Assistant Professor Ebru Kamacı, Erciyes University
• Assistant Professor Efe Duyan, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
• Dr. Giulio Giovannoni, Tenured Researcher, University of Florence
• Lecturer Valeria Federighi, Politecnico di Torino
• Assistant Professor Maria Siti, National Technical University of Athens
• MSc. Julia Hartmann
CUI Conference website
Tel: 0212.252.16 00 / 277
Event schedule:
- Start: 11-24-2016
- End: 11-26-2016.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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