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2 April 2007 – 3 April 2007

Forms in the city - Spaces in the metropolis

[i]International seminar[/i] Rome 2-3 April 2007 Sapienza University of Rome Faculty of Engineering, Via Eudossiana 18 “Chiostro” Conference Room Through theoretical approaches, research methods, and design outcomes, this seminar intends to examine the variety of structural and morphological features of the transformation occurring in contemporary urban landscapes. Discussion will focus on the analysis of Californian and Italian settlements at both a large and detailed scales. To Italian planners, North-American metropolises have been the quintessential lieu of experimentation as well as images of immediate future scenarios. On the other hand, European cities and, particularly Italian ones, have constituted a powerful and evocative reference point in historical terms for many North-American planners. Because of these intersecting paths, an extended debate is needed in order to verify the state-ofthe-art of urban studies. The University of California, Berkeley and, namely, its College of Environmental design represent an established convergence point for international scholars concerned with landscape planning and urban design. Some of the most renowned Professors of the Department of Landscape Architecture will present the state-of-the-art in scientific research at Berkeley and the projects they have been involved with in recent years. Discussion will be extended to researchers from various Italian Universities who have shared the experience of studying at Berkeley at some point in their careers. [i]Expected contributions[/i] North-American speakers will have 45 minutes to present their contributions. Italian speakers will be assigned 30 minutes slots. The text of the presentation, not to exceed 12.000 characters, must be sent to the conference organizers by no later than March 20 to be printed, and posted on the web. Conference Proceedings will be published in a special volume at a later date. [i]Call for paper[/i] Possible contributions about the seminar themes will be accepted after presenting an abstract (not more than 1.000 characters), to be forwarded by no later than February 28, 2007. The [b]deadline [/b]for the submission of the final version of the paper is [b]March 20, 2007[/b]. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 04-02-2007
  • End: 04-03-2007.