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17 December 2008 – 31 December 2008

Graduate Student Research Opportunity on Homelessness and Public Space

[i]The Department of Geography at Miami University (Ohio)[/i] The Department of Geography at Miami University (Ohio) is seeking applicants for a graduate research assistantship in their M.A. program for the 2009-2010 academic year. The successful applicant will play an important role in a project examining how legal structures influence the use of public space by the homeless. Increasingly, "anti-homeless" ordinances are being implemented in cities across the U.S., which restrict the use of public space by homeless persons. This project focuses on the intersection of urban geography, legal geography and social exclusion. The student will devote approximately 18 hours per week to this project. Simultaneously, the student will write a thesis related to this project and work toward a two-year Master's Degree in Geography at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio beginning in August, 2009. I anticipate that the student will be co-author on one or more publications from the research. Funding includes a tuition waiver, academic year stipend (approximately $11,850) and a summer stipend of $1800 (these are all 2008-9 rates; 2009-10 rates are not yet set). Pending availability of assistantships, second year funding is contingent upon satisfactory progress toward the M.A. degree. Interested individuals are urged to email to [][/url] immediately with any questions. To be considered for the position, please send an email (1) with your resume, (2) university transcripts (courses & grades), (3) a brief statement of your interests in and qualifications for the position, and (4) the names and email addresses of 3 referees. Recommendation will be made as soon as a qualified candidate is identified, who then must apply and be admitted to the MA program. Miami University is located in Oxford, Ohio, situated in a rural setting about 45 minutes from Cincinnati. The cost of living is quite affordable in the area with easy access to the cities of Cincinnati and Dayton. The Department of Geography at Miami University supports a small graduate program where students benefit from personal interaction with faculty and their fellow graduate students. Marcia England, Assistant Professor of Geography, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA;

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-17-2008
  • End: 12-31-2008.