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7 July 2009 – 28 August 2009

HCU International Summer School - Hamburg

Hamburg 17 -28.08.2009 [b]Deadline for the application: 10.07.2009[/b] The International Summer School 2009 is an international and interdisciplinary project presented by the HafenCity University professorships “Urban Design and Neighbourhood Planning” and “Urban Design”. Thematically and in terms of content, the Summer School is situated within the context of the project Neighborhood University, a research and education initiative created by the HCU in cooperation with the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Hamburg 2013 and the Kampnagel Culture Factory. The UdN is a temporary and residual conversion of the former Local Health Authority Wilhelmsburg, which concerns itself with the experimental development of contemporary, novel forms of education between culture and science. The Summer School will take place in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg at the Neighborhood University, a former health care station, from 17 - 28 August 2009. Against the background of Wilhelmsburg’s diverse cultures and ways of life, the International Summer School takes on the character of an experiment: how will we learn, work and live together on the construction site and in future cities? The production of scientific knowledge will be combined with the issue of intercultural coexistence as the borders between professions, languages and cultures dissolve. For two weeks, participating students will explore the free space of an evolving architecture of possibility in the scale of 1:1 and reflect upon their experiences in the context of urban development and globalization. Based on the specific conditions in Wilhelmsburg the objective of the Summer School is to address the challenge of a sustainable and widely participatory urban development within precarious situations of housing, living and working. In this International Summer School you are going to be pioneers of the Neighborhood University. You are going to be the first inhabitants, students and users of the UdN. Costs 400,- EUR (includes accommodation, board & teaching materials) To complete your application we will need you to submit the following documents until 10 july 2009: • the filled application form, • your personal statement / motivation letter (max. 300 words) and • a short curriculum vitae. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-07-2009
  • End: 08-28-2009.