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23 August 2009 – 25 August 2009

Inequality, Inclusion and the Sense of Belonging - Sao Paulo

[i]2009 ISA-RC21 Sao Paulo Conference [/i] August 23-25, 2009 Sao Paulo, Brazil We'd like to solicit paper proposals related to the conference theme and associated to the approved sessions. The proposals should be sent to a specific session, through this website. The proposals should include the title of the paper, the authors, together with their respective institutional affiliations, and a substantive abstract in English of between 250 and 500 words presenting the subject, the methods used and the main findings achieved. Each author may propose only one paper, and the session coordinators should not propose paper for their own sessions. Since the meeting is international, the official language is the English e proposals written in other languages will not be accepted. The papers should also be presented in English. [b]The call for papers will be open from February 2nd until May 15th, 2009[/b] To inscribe your paper, you should: Visit the list of sessions and choose one of your interest; Fill out the inscriptions' form and register your login (e-mail) and password; Access again the menu "Inscriptions" through the link below with your login, following the inscriptions to send your paper. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 08-23-2009
  • End: 08-25-2009.