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8 May 2014 – 11 May 2014
International Conference 'Socialist and Post-socialist Urbanizations: Architecture, Land and Property Rights' CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSED
Tallin, Estonia
Urban Studies Faculty of Architecture
Estonian Academy of Arts
Although most European cities both in the 'East' and in the 'West' grew rapidly in the post-war decades, the important questions regarding the difference between urbanization under the two conflicting political regimes has never been deeply analyzed and resolved in the urban studies. Thus, the post-1989 success and current renaissance of the notion of 'post-socialism' seems surprising. At the same time, however, the number of critical voices has been growing.
The missing or poor definition of ‘socialism’ is one of the key weaknesses of the concept of post-socialism. Socialism comes into the question of post-socialism in different ways. Whereas socialism could be seen both as a political idea and as an actual historical experience, post-socialism appears to be a societal condition only that is, furthermore, primarily restricted to a region of former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
The existence of different socialisms—such as Soviet, Czechoslovakian, Yugoslavian, Chinese and Vietnamese— however, problematizes the regional bias of the term post-socialism.
In this context, the aim of the conference is to initiate a fresh debate regarding the future of (the concepts of) socialism and post-socialism through engagements with different geographical contexts such as Eastern Europe, Asia, South America, and elsewhere. We would like to engage ‘post-socialism’ with ongoing debates of comparative urbanism but also seek ways to re-develop and conceptualise ‘socialism’ and ‘post-socialism’ themselves.
Lukasz Stanek | The Manchester University
Stefan Rettich | KARO Architects, Leipzig
The conference aims to explore histories and geographies of socialism and post-socialism in relation to three themes:
1) Architecture and urban planning
Many seeds of today's architectural and planning thinking have been planted in the socialist period. Historically, modernism and socialism developed hand in hand. Yet the roots of “post-socialist post-modernism”, to take one example, can be traced back to 1980s, if not earlier. This raises the questions about the relation between the architectural dissent under socialism and post-socialist architecture mainstream. In some instances, the value of buildings and urban plans from socialist period is being rediscovered today. Which aspects of socialist urban planning and architecture persist and what is to be learned from (which?) discarded ideas of socialist urban planning?
2) Land use and landscape
Suburbanization and rediscovery of historic city centres: these processes are portrayed as almost 'natural' to East European post-socialist experience. Yet, is it so simple? A similar enquiry about the socialist roots of these processes could be made. Individual construction of family houses was allowed, if not encouraged, in many countries during socialist periods. Similar questions emerge in relation to historical cores whereby the notion of heritage and the idea of international image-making clearly existed during the socialist period.
Could we draw parallels between socialism and what happens today? What are the origins of today's prominence that we assign to urban leisure function, of the idea that cities should be beautiful and enjoyable, of our sense for 'landscaping' of urban space?
Furthermore, looking at landscapes raises questions of different modes of production and ways of representations. What are the relations between socialist ideas and landscapes? How post-socialism manifests itself in various aspects of land use and landscape?
3) Property rights
The transfer from state ownership to private ownership (privatizations, special economic zones) is a well-known account of the post-socialist transformation. Although new generation of activism has appeared on the horizon, the privatism is challenged predominantly at the level of use, access and life-style. The value of community and public spaces is accepted by wide array of actors, but the more controversial issue of ownership and property rights is often left untouched. Perhaps the value of ‘private property’ is widely accepted and the critique is not only difficult to make but also counter-intuitive. We welcome critical empirical and theoretical engagements that reflect on the different forms of property—ranging from private to variously organised common, collective and public ownership—and the notion of post-socialism.
Conference website
Event schedule:
- Start: 05-08-2014
- End: 05-11-2014.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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