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4 April 2018 – 6 April 2018
23rd International Conference REAL CORP 2018 | "Expanding Cities – Diminishing Space"
TU Wien (Austria)
• CORP | Competence Center of Urban & Regional Planning
• 7.12.2017 (deadline)
The world’s total population is expected to hit the 10 billion point in the 2060s, more than 70% living in urban areas. Cities are not only growing in population, but are expanding in area. Even with constant number of inhabitants there is a demand for more space. In many cities the demand of floor space per capita for housing is still growing, on the one hand due to higher living standards, on the other hand also as a result of changes in social structure resulting in high percentages of single person households. Also transport infrastructure, industrial zones, shopping centres, logistics centres, event and leisure facilities etc. consume additional space. As a consequence cities also grow into 3rd dimension: “up into the sky” and “going underground”. Many cities kind of expand in time, become “cities that never sleep”, extending their urban activities to 24 hours per day all the year round – 24/365. Even in countries and regions with constant or declining population numbers, it is still the cities that attract people. While the “hunger” in the literal sense for food and resources is growing, the “spaces in between”, especially agricultural land, but also natural retreats and buffer zones are diminishing.
These aspects of city expansion do not only lead to massive changes all over the world, they also arise multiple challenges, chances and risks which have to be dealt with in planning processes. Current projections indicate that during the next decades the space occupied by cities will be more than three times the amount of today’s urban areas. Questions arise on how to deal with these problems at short notice, and what has to be done to find solutions to these challenges thinking in long-term strategies – the challenges and problems seem huge. On the other hand more and more unprecedented (urban) technologies are available to monitor and manage cities. Monitoring is as well done by remote sensing in stunning precision, and by extensive sensor networks in (almost) real time. Smart urban technologies can be applied in wide fields such as: Administration, (e)Government and Governance; Communication and Information Processing; Transport and Mobility; Energy Management, Resource Management (Utilities); Safety and Security But cities are mainly about people and not about technology, so it is still “quality of life” that should be in focus.
REAL CORP 201, organised by CORP (Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning), is going to show the current state of the art as well as to present projects and approaches for the use of future technology.
• Facts behind Urban Expansion
• Exceeding the City Limits, Urbanisation Continues
• GIS, 3D and 4-Dimensional Planning, BIM
• Vacant Countryside
• Migration: Movement into cities does not only affect the domestic population
• Future Mobility
• Soil Sealing
• Energy of the Future
• Scarcity of Resources
• Expansion of the Internet, Big Data
• Cities as Liveable, Accessible, Human-Oriented Places
• Standard fee for entire conference:
EUR 390 (UNTIL 31 January 2018);
EUR 490 (AFTER 31 January 2018)
• Students up to 27 years:
EUR 250 (UNTIL 31 January 2018);
EUR 350 (AFTER 31 January 2018)
The conference fee includes:
• unlimited and free access on all conference days of REAL CORP 2018 (4-6 April 2018)
• catering on all conference days (coffee breaks, lunch breaks)
• participation at side events of REAL CORP 2018 (informal welcome meeting, evening reception, excursions and guided expert tours) as long as no additional service charge is mentioned
• conference materials incl. proceedings (CD-ROM version)
• one standard conference presentation (15-20 minutes) and publication of the related scientific paper in the conference proceedings
Use your MY.CORP account to sign up for the conference. A confirmation page is created automatically as soon as we have received your registration data. This confirmation also serves as invoice. All necessary data regarding your payment (amount to pay, bank details) are shown on this confirmation page, and you will also find the required information how to pay by credit card (VISA and MASTERCARD only).
An important note for all participants employed by a larger institution, e. g. a university: It is absolutely necessary to make sure that your name is transmitted within the bank transfer data. Otherwise, there may be difficulties matching participants and bank transfers of their companies. Many thanks for your cooperation!
• Submission of abstract until: December 7, 2017
• Feedback on general acceptance until: December 17, 2017
• Full paper for reviewing has to be submitted until: January 8, 2018
• Reviewing process until: January, 31 2018
• Final version of full paper for publication until: February 15, 2018
• Submission of abstract until: December 7, 2017
• Feedback on general acceptance until: December 17, 2017
• Final version of full paper for publication until: February 15, 2018
The only way to submit your abstract and your paper is online submission on MY.CORP. Log in with your user name and password, then select whether you want to submit an abstract or a paper and follow the step-by step instructions on your screen. Do not forget to download the obligatory abstract and paper template from the download section or from the start page of MY.CORP.
REALCORP 2018 website
Event schedule:
- Start: 04-04-2018
- End: 04-06-2018.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3