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6 May 2014 – 9 May 2014
International Symposium NEW METROPOLITAN PERSPECTIVES The integrated approach of urban sustainable development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe2020
Reggio Calabria, Italy
LaborEst | Laboratorio di Valutazione Economico-Estimative
CLUD | Commercial Local Urban Districts
ISTH2020 is promoted by the LaborEst (Evaluation and Economic Appraisal Lab) and CLUDs (Commercial Local Urban Districts) Research Lab, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (Italy) with the aim to receive contributions from national and international scientific community on integrated development strategies and research in metropolitan contexts according to the directions of Europe 2020 and Horizon 2020.
Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Salita Melissari, 89124 Reggio Calabria (Italy).
In the last twenty years, cities - megalopolis or large, medium, small metropolis either - are currently dealing with challenging issues such as climate changes, social exclusion, economic and financial crisis, that are pushing towards the re-definition of new sustainable development strategies. Mainly, the need of reviewing the urban and metropolitan governance systems emerges encouraging the involvement of local communities, strengthening the public-private partnerships throughout the implementation of new flexible and place-based approaches.
The International Symposium is focused on the comprehension of metropolitan dynamics in order to promote local economic development, especially in urban and rural contexts. Furthermore, consideration is given to the opportunity to promote new metropolitan models; in other words, it is needed a reflection on cities’ ability to implement metropolitan dynamics and to improve their competitiveness while exploiting the virtuous and synergic linkage between urban and rural areas.
The aims of the Symposium are:
1. Strengthening the international exchange in order to promote joint research activities according to the objectives of the 2014–2020 programming period.
2. Stimulating the debate on community engagement and new forms of public-private partnership within urban-rural networks and metropolitan areas.
3. Promoting an integrated approach through specialized inputs merging on the creation of strongly localized - and not generalized - interventions and actions, fostering a the bottom-up, rather than the “top-down” approach.
Theoretical and experienced-based contributions on geographical areas (cities in inland areas), part of least developed and developing regions, with population between 150.000 and 800.000 people (NUTS 3), that fit with the following themes are welcomed:
I. Sustainable urban and rural development
II. ICT: TLC Applications and services for sustainable development and local competitiveness
III. Innovation and SMEs competitiveness
IV. Adaptation to climate change, risks managment and prevention
V. Environment protection and efficient use of resources
VI. Sustainable transport
VII. Other
Italian - English
• February 28, 2014 | 1st round Paper submission deadline
• March 20, 2014 | 1st round Paper acceptance notification
• April 5, 2014 | Author Registration deadline
• May 6-9, 2014 | Conference dates
The definitive programme will be available by the 10th April 2014 on, once verified the fees payment by all the accepted authors (by 05th April 2014).
For the complete list see the file in download or visit the website
• Mediterranea University of ReggioCalabria (Italy)
• Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy)
• Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
• University of Thessaly School of Agriculture (Greece)
• Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
• University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro – UTAD (Portugal)
• Istanbul Kemerburgaz University (Turkey)
• San Diego State University (USA)
• University of Salford (UK)
• Aalto University (Finland)
• Northaestern University of Boston (USA)
• Louisiana Tech University (USA)
• SIEV - Società Italiana di Estimo e Valutazione
• SISTuR - Società Italiana di Scienze del Turismo
• Cred - Centro di ricerca per l'estetica del diritto Fondazione Astengo
• INU – Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
• Francesco Calabrò, Lucia Della Spina | LaborEst
• Carmelina Bevilacqua | CLUDs
• Associazione ASTRI
• Regular | € 260,00
• Reduced | € 190,00
• Regular | € 170,00
• Reduced | € 100,00
ISTH2020 International Symposium Website
Event schedule:
- Start: 05-06-2014
- End: 05-09-2014.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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