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8 June 2009

Joint Actions in climate change

[i]Organised by Aalborg University, PREPARE, the Greening of Industry Network and Nordic Life Cycle Association[/i] 8-10 June 2009 Congress & Culture Centre, Aalborg, Denmark Climate change has been pointed out as the biggest challenge of our time. International consensus regarding the problem, its causes and impacts has been reached, but a broad range of solutions has still to be developed and discussed. This conference deals especially with solutions and actions to combat climate change. The conference is a joint endeavour bringing together four conferences in the field: European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP), The Greening of Industry Network (GIN); Nordic Life Cycle Association (NorLCA) and Euro Sustainability. After 15 years of separate growth, it is now time to join forces to bring action and consensus on solutions. The conference welcomes all stakeholders involved in developing solutions to climate change, including Governments, industry, retailers, researchers as well as NGOs, consumer organisations and the financial sector. Bringing together different stakeholders and research disciplines will help fostering a fruitful dialogue and bridging gaps in views and positions. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-08-2009
  • End: 06-08-2009.