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24 May 2013
Land and Policies for Social and Affordable Housing in Europe INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
Milano, Italy
DAStU - Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Politecnico di Milano
Scuola di Architettura e Società
Auditorium, Via Pascoli 53, 20133 Milano
The economic crisis, the changes in city life, the diffused demand for urban quality and the various issues from different social groups pose several challenges to urban government among which housing welfare has gained a prominent position all over Europe. In Milano the recent town planning debate was an important occasion to raise questions about the supply of land and funding for non market housing, the sustainability and the economic drivers and non profit entrepreneurs, the search for an available social mixitè in neighbourhoods.
The conference intends to tackle these issues by presenting some experiences in major countries and discussing them in the Italian context with a panel of planners involved both in administrative and academic contexts.
The Conference aims to work on the relationship between planning and housing, two intimately linked social activities, but often researched on separate scholarly platforms. In addition to that, the conference theme claims that housing is a matter of welfare and consequently urban policies and plans have to offer feasible solutions to its urgency.
h. 9.30
• Gabriele Pasqui | Head of DAStU
h. 9.30
Research topics and questions
• Laura Pagliani | DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
h. 10.00
Drivers and opportunities in the European context
• George de Kam | School of Management Nijmegen, NL
• Christine Whitehead | London School of Economics, UK
• Nicole Morrison | University of Cambridge, UK
h. 11.45
• Berit Nordahl | Norwegian University of Life Science, Oslo, N
• Sence Turk | Istanbul Technical University, TR
h. 12.45
• Federico Oliva | DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
• Massimo Bricocoli | DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
h. 14.30
• Andrea Arcidiacono | DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
h. 14.45
Lessons from the US: inclusionary housing and land value recapture
• Nico Calavita | San Diego State University, US
h. 15.15
Milano Town Planning
• Ada Lucia De Cesaris | Vice Mayor and Town Councillor for urban planning, City of Milan
• Daniela Benelli | Town Councillor for Housing, City of Milano
• Giuseppina Sordi | Director Urban Development Planning Department, City of Milano
h. 16.00
Social developers
• Alessandro Maggioni | President Federabitazione Lombardia di Confcooperative
• Luciano Caffini | President Legacoop Abitanti
h. 16.30
• Raffaele Pugliese | DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
• Gabriele Rabaiotti | DAStU, Politecnico di Milano
h. 17.00
Questions and comments
• Nico Calavita
• George de Kam
• Nicole Morrison
• Berit Nordahl
• Sence Turk
• Christine Whitehead
• Laura Pogliani
• Elena Solero
Event schedule:
- Start: 05-24-2013
- End: 05-24-2013.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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