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23 August 2007 – 21 September 2007

Les ateliers internationaux de maitrise d’œuvre urbaine

[i]International Workshops of planning and urban design [/i] from August 23rd to September 21st, 2007 Cergy-Pontoise Topics are: - Developing an Aeropolis (an Aircity) ? - Airports, North of Paris - A lever to Improve the Metropolitan Structure? - A New Impulse for the Plaine de France? Deadline[b] is April 30th 2007 [/b]to register the students and to send the schematic elements of their proposition. The work will have to be presented in a dossier with: - a written note as complete as possible ; - some plans and sketches which illustrate the note (maximum 4 A3 sheets ). In the case you wish to send students from your school/university, please return the form 1 “Registration (unbinding)” as soon as possible and before [b]February 28th , 2007[/b]. For more information visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 08-23-2007
  • End: 09-21-2007.