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23 June 2008 – 25 June 2008

Liveable and Vibrant Cities - Singapore

[i]World Cities Summit[/i] 23 to 25 June 2008 Singapore Featuring the theme “Liveable and Vibrant Cities”, the Summit will discuss the challenges of urbanization and examine best practices for the sustainable development of cities. The discussion topics will include issues related to effective governance, urban planning, infrastructure development, environmental sustainability, quality of life and economic competitiveness. The Summit will bring together Ministers, city mayors, senior government officials, experts and business leaders from around the world. The international delegates will include a good number from the Asia Pacific and Middle East, providing excellent opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas. The inaugural World Cities Summit will be held at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre. It will be held at the same time as the inaugural Singapore International Water Week 2008, which has the theme “Sustainable Water Solutions for Cities”. In conjunction with World Cities Summit 2008, Singapore will also be holding the East Asia Summit Conference on Liveable Cities. An initiative proposed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the 3rd East Asia Summit (EAS) held in Singapore last November, the EAS Conference on Liveable Cities aims to give EAS cities a platform to network and exchange best practices and expertise in developing sustainable and ecologically friendly cities. Prime Minister Lee will be officiating at the joint opening ceremony for the three events and will deliver the keynote address. Apart from the plenary sessions and breakout tracks, World Cities Summit will offer site visits for delegates to engage practitioners and get a better understanding of policy implementation. There will also be an exhibition to facilitate business opportunities and stimulate exchanges between the public and private sectors. The exhibition will be co-located with the Water Expo of the Singapore International Water Week. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-23-2008
  • End: 06-25-2008.