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17 June 2010 – 18 June 2010

Living and walking in cities - Linear metropolis - Brescia

[i]XVII International Conference[/i] Brescia and Padova (Italy), June 17th-18th, 2010 The International Conference "LIVING AND WALKING IN CITIES", at its seventeenth edition, looks every year at different themes concerning the quality of life in urban areas. Focusing on “linear metropolis”, the XVII International Conference aims to be a further contribution towards a problem solving approach to urban form and mobility in our towns. The conference also presents the results of the research of national interest “From metropolitan city to metropolitan corridor: the case of the Po Valley Corridor”. The subject of this research, financed in 2007 with PRIN funds, is recognising the elements characterising the linear mega-metropolitan areas. The model of a metropolitan city does not represent the real phenomenology to be found in many cities across the globe. As a matter of fact, the metropolitan phenomenon can also be represented by high density agglomerations clustered in poles and urban areas. These, aligned, form a “corridor” that creates a complex system of relations at a metropolitan level. The Conference will provide a stimulating opportunity for researchers, planners and technicians to explore key issues and future prospects for urban areas due to the current urban practices and policies promoted at the different levels. CONFERENCE THEMES The phenomenon of linear metropolis can be detected in a lot of national and international cases. This typology of city is characterised by a specific directrix of development and by urbanized areas, along the same directrix, with a small extent in other directions. Their development is spontaneously organised along a cinematic and efficient band (“corridor”). They sometimes reach the dimensions of a metropolis (whose parameters are defined in the 142/1990 law of the Italian legislation) and work as organising centres of a rational complex system. The XVII International Conference “LIVING AND WALKING IN CITIES – Linear metropolis” will focus on the following themes: 1. “Policentric metropolis of the world”. This session will describe the international policentric metropolis, starting from the definition of “world cities” maintained also by the famous geographer Sir Peter Hall. 2. “Urban systems chronography: linear metropolis and city users”. This session will investigate the linear metropolis phenomenon from the starting point of the urban system considered as a multi-scalar relation system defined from the daily land usage. 3. “Urban form: typification of a linear metropolis”. This session will concern the relational phenomena driven by human settlements with a particular attention to the quality of life. The focus will be on the organisation of public spaces – collective places, facilities and non motorized mobility - versus private spaces. 4. “The spread city in the linear metropolis”. The spread city is usually characterised by high values of density of inhabitants but also high values of land use. The session will deepened the elements characterising such phenomenology in relation to linear metropolis. 5. “Innovative approaches to the mobility system in high density and congested areas”. This session will deepened the theme of transport system in linear metropolis. Particularly in relation to the necessity of an integration between urban planning and mobility planning. The authors are invited to submit unpublished contributions to the Conference on the above mentioned subjects. Only one contribution per author will be considered. The accepted contributions will be inserted in the Conference’s Proceedings only if discussed during the Conference. • [b]A short summary (max 50 lines, in English or Italian) of the contribution must be sent to the Scientific Secretary before March 22nd, 2010.[/b] • The authors will be informed (by fax or e-mail) of the acceptance of their papers before March 31st, 2010. • Full papers should be sent to the Scientific Secretary before May 31st, 2010. The final announcement, the provisional programme and enrolment will be mailed to the authors. Detailed information about the technical aspects will be sent to the authors together with the acceptance of their contributions. TECHNICAL INFORMATIONS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF THE PAPER PROPOSAL TO THE SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY The paper proposal should be submitted to the scientific secretary in .doc format. The file title should correspond to the first author’s surname (i.e. PEZZAGNO.doc). The mail object should be specified as follows: XVII international conference “LIVING AND WALKING IN CITIES – Linear metropolis”. In the mail text should be specified the number of the chosen conference theme (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). In the paper proposal should be specified the following information for each author: Name, SURNAME, Qualification, Company, e-mail Address. CeSCAm - Michèle Pezzagno DICATA – Università degli Studi di Brescia Via Branze,43 - 25123 Brescia - Italy Fax: ++39 030 3711 312 e-mail: [][/url]

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-17-2010
  • End: 06-18-2010.