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9 April 2011 – 12 April 2011

2011 National Planning Conference

APA will hold the 2011 National Planning Conference April 9-12 in Boston at the Hynes Convention Center. Explore Boston and reconnect with colleagues.

Students and New Professional Members

Students: APA has held onto a few poster session slots just for you. Submit a poster proposal by February 8 to be considered.

NEW! Student and New Professional APA Members: Create a poster on the subject of "Water and the City of the Future" and win the opportunity to present your poster in concluding session of the Planning for Water track. The winner will receive a complimentary registration for the entire conference.

Deadline for both opportunities: February 8, 2011

Student Poster Proposals

Students: APA has held onto a few poster session slots just for you. Submit a poster proposal by February 8 to be considered.

Deadline: February 8, 2011

Submit a Student poster proposal

Win a Complimentary Registration

NEW! Student and New Professional APA Members: Create a poster on the subject of "Water and the City of the Future" and win the opportunity to present your poster in concluding session of the Planning for Water track at the National Planning Conference. Students and new professionals are invited to create a vision for how water — from clean drinking water to conservation and from recycling to stormwater treatment — should be planned and managed in the city of the future. Give us your best big picture and creative ideas. The winner will receive a complimentary registration for the entire conference.

Your final product will be both a poster and a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation of the poster. The purpose of the PowerPoint is to stimulate attendees of the water track to consider broad visions. The poster will be displayed in the poster exhibit and the competition winner will also participate in Sunday poster session.

This competition is open to APA members. New professionals are defined as those in the first three years of their professional work after graduation. Complete instructions for how to create the poster are found online at

Deadline: February 8, 2011

Send a "Water and the City of the Future" poster proposal to


Event schedule:

  • Start: 04-09-2011
  • End: 04-12-2011.