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14 April 2010 – 16 April 2010

New directions for housing? Housing in an era of change

[i]2010 Housing Studies Association conference[/i] 14 - 16 April 2009 University of York [b]Deadline for abstracts: 31 January 2010[/b] The past decade has been one of tumultuous change in the housing field. In 2010 we can expect the economic and political landscape, both in the UK and elsewhere, to change significantly again. Dealing with the aftermath of the 'credit crunch' and the first 'structural' recession in the history of modern capitalism will mean working in a new era of fiscal austerity. The politics of housing may need to adapt in response. Reflecting on how the Housing profession has changed in the last decade may equip us for the future. In terms of the challenges that remain and the new ones ahead, we ask what can be done; what should be done? New and imaginative responses are required. Hence, the 2010 Housing Studies Association conference invites responses to this question: what directions should housing take in the face of economic and political change? Plenary speakers drawn from the housing studies community and beyond will offer different perspectives on the conference theme. The main emphasis of the programme, however, will be on papers from scholars and practitioners concerned with the study of housing in all its diversity. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 04-14-2010
  • End: 04-16-2010.