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3 October 2008

Non/De/Re- regulation: limits, exclusions and claims

[i]INURA conference [/i] October 03-10, 2008 Athens This year’s INURA conference with the topic “Non/De/Re- regulation: limits, exclusions and claims”, will take place in Athens and its region (October 03-10, 2008). As every year the “Annual INURA Conference” is a one-week event and is divided into two parts: First, we will explore the city of Athens through field trips and public events (Athens, October 03-06), followed by a retreat to the southern coast of Attika (Attiki region, October 07-10). Call for papers INURA08 Call for papers for the retreat Due date for abstracts: September 5, 2008 Overview: This year’s INURA conference with the topic “Non/De/Re- regulation: limits, exclusions and claims”, will take place in Athens and its region (October 03-10, 2008). As every year the “Annual INURA Conference” is a one-week event and is divided into two parts: First, we will be exploring the city through field trips and public events (Athens, October 03-06), followed by a retreat to the countryside (Anavissos, October 07-10). The retreat is a central feature of the International Network for Urban Research and Action. The purpose of the retreat of this year is (1) to present and discuss papers relating to the conference theme, (2) to present ongoing research and activism of INURA members, and (3) to focus on INURA specific matters (such as common research project, diversity and power relations, etc.). The retreat offers a relaxed setting for social interaction and networking. Please note: Neither the retreat nor the conference have the character of a formal academic conference or workshop!! Papers/Presentations/Inputs: The »retreat committee« welcomes and encourages contributions informed by research and/or activism by individuals or groups to the following topics: 1. The overall theme of the conference: ” NON/DE/RE- regulation: limits, exclusions and claims “ 2. Research, work and activities connected to the Common Research Projects of INURA 3. Contributions related to the INURA network and the wanted links between research and action, common projects, past, present and future. Contributions should reflect on the following questions and issues: Links Between Research and Action: • How can radical research/projects inform and support progressive urban social and political movements and struggles? • How to deal with the necessity particular and local issues/projects to wider and global movements and goals? • What is the tradition/experience in your city/country with co-operation between academics, artists and activists? • How to overcome unequal power relations- formal and informal hierarchies, discriminatory practices etc- inside collective (academic/activist) institutions and projects? Submission Procedure: Participants interested in presenting papers, films etc. or interested in organizing and preparing group sessions/workshops should submit a 250 word abstract, with a title that capture the core idea of your contribution, the general topic of what you want to address, how you will approach it, and what you hope to achieve. In addition, if/how the presentation/session is connected to the topics mentioned above. Abstracts of proposed presentations are due by September 5, 2008. All abstracts of proposals and questions related to the presentations at the retreat should be send to: [][/url] More info:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-03-2008
  • End: 10-03-2008.