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9 October 2007

Participatory democracy from the local to the global level : for what sort of development ?

[i]The Rhône-Alpes Regional Council [/i] The Rhône-Alpes Regional Council is organizing the World Meeting on the theme “Participatory democracy from the local to the global level : for what sort of development ?” on 10-11-12 December 2007 Grenoble, Valence, Saint-Etienne and Lyon This initiative sets out to highlight the infinite variety of experiences in participatory democracy throughout the world and discuss development issues. Using the great diversity of experiences the world over, the idea is to start mapping out areas of convergence, a common meaning to all these experiences that are developing and taking root. Since the event is being organized “jointly and in advance” with citizens, associations and local authorities, its content will gradually evolve and be enriched. The 1st day of the World Meeting comprises a series of workshops in different towns in the Rhône-Alpes region, which will attempt to answer the question posed by the title of the World Meeting, namely “Participatory democracy from the local to the global level: for what sort of development ?” The second day will be devoted to expanding on the workshop discussions of the day before, as well as to meetings and discussions between local (Rhône-Alpes), national, European and international actors in participatory democracy, in forums based on the contributions made following the call for participatory democracy 2007 projects and contributions to the citizens’participatory area This day’s themes will be gradually refined according to people’s proposed contributions. Two topics in particular will be broached : “the role of women in development” “youth and the march of global progress” "social democracy in territories and companies" The last morning will be devoted to synthesizing the ideas of the two previous days at a round table of French and international figures and a plenary debate. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-09-2007
  • End: 10-09-2007.