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30 October 2009 – 31 October 2009

Planned conservation of xxth century architectural heritage: A review of policies and practices

[i]International Conference[/i] 30-31 Ottobre 2009 Como c/o Casa del Fascio e Asilo Sant’Elia [b]Your abstract must be submitted before Thursday 21st May 2009[/b] by e-mail to: [][/url] . You will be notified of the acceptance of your abstract around Monday 1st June 2009. Upon acceptance of your abstract proposal and following possible comments on it, you will be asked to submit a revised document before Friday 12th June 2009. You will then be asked to submit your paper within Monday 3rd August 2009. Como City Council is the owner and manager of several important monuments of Modern Architecture. The Council is setting up innovative practices for their planned conservation and their enhancement with the sponsorship and contribution of Fondazione Cariplo, in the framework of the project ‘Innovative Technologies for Planned Conservation of Built Cultural Heritage’. The conference is part of this project and will have two main purposes. On the one side it will focus on the state-of-art of Planned Conservation: presentations and discussions will highlight researches, policies and practices necessary for an effective conservation of XXth century architectural heritage. On the other side Como City Council will have the opportunity to present the program for planned conservation interventions on three emblematic case studies: Asilo Sant'Elia, Monumento ai Caduti and Fontana di Camerlata. Selected keynote speakers will provide state-of-the-art overviews on the main topics on Friday 30th October. The conference will also host a special poster session that will open on Saturday 31st October. Papers may address XXth century buildings, sites or districts worldwide. We invite proposals on all topics related to the conference theme (i.e. tasks, skills and structures of preventive conservation of XXth century architectural heritage; legislative frameworks, policies and means to encourage planned conservation; eeconomic impact of planned conservation in comparison with cyclic interventions; inspection and monitoring as preventive conservation tools for architectural heritage; sustainability issues of preventive conservation of XXth century architectural heritage). The proceedings will be published on the occasion of the Conference and the poster presentations will be included as long papers. The papers will be also published on the conference website

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-30-2009
  • End: 10-31-2009.