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4 November 2008 – 4 January 2009

Postgraduate master of design research_mas design culture (65 ects)

[i]Design2context_institute for design research_zhdk zurich university of the arts [/i] [b]Call For applications_spring semester 09_deadline 04. January 2009 [/b] Programme information sessions with the directors of the institute: . Fr. 07 november 2008, 17:30 - 18:30 hr . Fr. 19 december 2008, 17:00 - 18:00 hr Zurich university of the arts - department of design Conditions of admission: Completed relevant studies within a creative discipline or related fields (such as design, art, architecture, cultural or fine art studies) or equivalent professional experience. Application and admission each semester. Course duration and structure: A minimum of 4 semesters with additional completion requirements. Study days are every fortnight during term time. Course fees: CHF 4,500 per semester. Total course fees of CHF 18,000 Concept: The MAS Design Culture explores and develops methods, discourses and strategies of critical design research and practice at the interface of science and society. Lectures, symposiums and workshops led by international experts of various disciplines enrich the curriculum. The programme directors come from the fields of design, visual and cultural studies, philosophy and semiotics. During the two-year postgraduate programme each participant generates and progress an individually chosen research project, which offers the participant a broader theoretical insight and new perspectives for their practice. Presentation and analysis of exemplary projects, as well as the transfer of approaches and methods from other scientific or profession areas, skills such as project management and founding application are exemplary subject matters of the extensive programme. Design2context provides for each participant of the MAS an insight into the broad international and transdisciplinary research, developing, exhibiting and publishing activities as well as in the other postgraduate programs and expert colloquia of the institute such as f. e. Disorientation – Orientation, CAS for Signage in Zurich and Multiplicity, CAS on Visual Identity in Amsterdam (links below). With its contextualisation the MAS Design Culture fosters a reflexive approach towards design in research and practice. Structure and Process: Point of departure of the MAS is the research project idea of each participant. The aim of the first semester is to develop this project idea into a concrete and sustainable research subject. The second and third semesters focus on conducting the actual research. The fourth semester concentrates on elaborating the final presentation of the research results. The final results of the research together with a colloquium presenting the projects and a research report mark the completion of the course. Subject matter of the research projects can be any design-related investigation informed by a spirit of inquisitive research, aimed towards a relevant result and generally contributing to the development of a socially responsibly attitude within design. Each individual research project will be focussed and continuously supervised by the institute’s tutors, as well as receiving critical assessment and advice through fellow participants in the course of the research colloquia. Around this core element of the course are grouped a number of methodical, technical and theoretical seminars. These are dedicated to strengthening the reflexive, representational and explanatory elements of the research praxis. Beyond this, the structure of this course offers frequent opportunities for critical discussions thanks to a number of renowned guest speakers on aspects of method, socio-politics, design, art or science. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-04-2008
  • End: 01-04-2009.