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12 October 2009 – 16 October 2009

Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places For New Uses

[i]International symposium[/i] 12 - 16 October 2009 Istanbul The Steering Committee of the joint international symposium organized by the IAPS - CSBE; Culture and Space in the Built Environment, Network and the IAPS-Housing Network is pleased to announce that it will be held in Istanbul 12 - 16 October 2009. The symposium will address the theme of “Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places For New Uses”. This symposium is the 4th of a series of international symposium organized by the IAPS-International Association of People-Environment Studies- CSBE Network. The first symposium of the network was “Culture and Space in the Home Environment”(Istanbul in 1997), then ‘Traditional Environments in a New Millenium: Defining Principles and Professional Practice’, (Amasya in 2001), and ‘Social Change and Spatial Transformation in Housing Environments’ (Istanbul in 2005). The IAPS Housing Network has also organized four international symposiums since 1989 in the United Kingdom, Poland and Sweden. These events are now recognized as an established tradition of the IAPS community and in international architectural and urban research, a tradition that combines research studies within an interdisciplinary framework with high relevance for practice. It will be the primary aim of the organizers of this symposium to build on these traditions. [b]Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 30, 2009[/b] Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-12-2009
  • End: 10-16-2009.