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8 June 2009

7th International Space Syntax Symposium

[i]2nd Call for Abstracts[/i] 8-11 June 2009 Stockholm The next international space syntax symposium, announced earlier this year, will be held in Stockholm 8-11 June 2009, and abstracts for papers to the symposium are to be submitted by the First of October 2008. Further information on the event will be announced and continually up-dated on the symposium web-site, where abstract submission can also be made: Symposium Themes The symposium will especially welcome abstracts and papers on the following themes: Spatial Analysis and Architectural Theory New Modes of Modelling and Methodological Development Analysis of Urban Space and Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability Building Morphology and Emergent Performativity Architectural Research and Architectural Design Timetable Below is found the timetable for paper applications. Please, note that it will be necessary to submit an abstract to get a paper accepted even though abstracts in themselves will not be refereed. Monday 19 May 2008: Announcement of symposium and call for abstracts Monday 8 September 2008: Second call for abstracts Monday 15 September 2008: Call for papers and reminder for abstracts [b]Wednesday 1 October 2008: Last date for abstract submission Monday 2 February 2009: Last date for paper submission [/b] Wednesday 1 April 2009: Announcement of accepted papers Monday 1 June 2009: Papers available on web-site Monday - Thursday 8-11 June 2009: Symposium Abstract Submission The Abstract Submission is done electronically via the web interface that can be reached via the link on the conference webpage ( Please make sure to read the instructions for submission, and we wish to remind you that an abstract is required for a paper submission. Program and EventsFurther information on the program, planned events, and other areas can be found on the website, as well as a description of the suggested themes.-- The Organizing Committee 7th International Space Syntax Symposium in Stockholm June 8-11, 2009 Note: If you are not a member of the Space Syntax mailbase, or have otherwise requested to be added to the information sharing of ISSS7, please notify us and we will add you to our main information mail list.Please feel free to forward this call to anyone you feel might be concerned.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-08-2009
  • End: 06-08-2009.