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15 December 2012 – 18 November 2012
The Production of Place 2012 International Conference & Workshops
London, UK
DEADLINE | 07.12.2012
UEL | University of East London
School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering
Workshops | 15-18 December 2012
Conference | 17-18 December 2012
The concept of place works across multiple disciplines. It requires the application of diverse approaches: merging architecture, urbanism, geography, psychology, as a better means of understanding and responding to places.
Place may be defined by activity intrinsic to, and evidenced in, details of the physical surroundings (architectural style, composition, and type) which can be considered as a framing device for daily life.
The aim of the conference is questioning the challenges of global problems in relation to the production of place. Focusing on the necessary components to sustain places, how do we decide when to protect, adjust or transform?
• Global knowledge via local place
• ‘Making’ and ‘doing’
• Insecurity in and of places
Chris Pyke | Ph.D and Vice President of Research, U.S. Green Building Council
Iain Sinclair | Bestselling author of Hackney, That Rose-Red Empire
Felipe Assadi | Dean of Architecture, Finis Terrae University, Santiago de Chile
Tony Fretton | Architect, Tony Fretton Architects, London
Student registration is limited to fifty (50), numbers (allocated on a first-come basis). Each workshop is limited to a maximum of ten places (allocated on a first-come basis).
1. Full conference registration
Early Bird | £210.00
Late Registration | £230.00
Student | £115.00
2. Registration for one day
Early Bird | £140.00
Late Registration | £160.00
Student | £80.00
3. Workshop: 15-18 December 2012
Standard Fee | £230.00
Saturday 15 December 2012
• Workshops briefing
• Workshops
Sunday 16 December 2012
Monday 17 December 2012
• Conference welcoming reception
• Full day of papers with presentations from keynote speakers
• Workshops
• Dinner
Tuesday 18 December 2012
• Full day of papers with presentations from keynote speakers
• Workshops and presentations from workshop outcomes
• Closing remarks
• Dinner
07.12.2012 | Early Bird registration deadline
12.12.2012 | Registration deadline
15-16.12.2012 | Workshop
17-18.12.2012 | Conference
Juliet Sakyi-Ansah | The Production of Place 2012 Administrator
School of Architecture Computing and Engineering
ADDRESS | University of East London, Docklands Campus, 4-6 University Way, London E16 2RD
Event schedule:
- Start: 12-15-2012
- End: 11-18-2012.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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