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10 June 2007 – 14 June 2007

True Urbanism: Designing For Social & Physical Health

[i]45th International Making Cities Livable Conference[/i] & Exhibit on [i]MIXED-USE URBAN FABRIC[/i] Co-Sponsors: City of Portland, Portland Metro Council. Organized with the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture The Governor Hotel Portland, OR June 10-14, 2007 An international conference for city officials, practitioners and scholars in architecture, urban design, planning, landscape architecture, transportation planning, health policy and social sciences from many parts of the world to share ideas, and establish working relationships. [b]Paper topics include: [/b] New designs for mixed-use urban fabric ** Planning for commuting by foot & bike ** Transit-based neighborhood development ** Integrating land use & public transit ** Redesigning suburban malls as neighborhood centers ** Transforming commuter suburbs into mixed-use urban villages ** Urban planning for physical & social health ** Integrating social diversity through urban planning ** Urban sustainability: social & ecological ** Child- & family-friendly urban design ** Designing town squares for social life ** Respecting regional and local character ** Community participation in architecture and planning ** [b]Exhibit: Mixed-Use Urban Fabric[/b] Architects, planners, developers and cities are invited to submit proposals for an exhibit of mixed-use urban fabric – projects already constructed, or in design. Designs must be 3 - 6 stories, with commercial or office at street level, office and/or residential above. Selected projects will be exhibited at the conference. Awards will be made in the following categories: Mixed-use in new Greenfield/Brownfield neighborhoods Transit-based new mixed-use development Redesign of suburban malls as mixed-use Restored historic mixed-use & new infill designs [b] Deadline for submission: November 4th, 2006[/b] Please send a 200-250 word abstract to: Suzanne H. Crowhurst Lennard Ph.D.(Arch.), Program Committee Chair, IMCL Conferences, PO Box 7586, Carmel, CA 93921. Fax: +1- 831-624-5126. Email: [][/url] For more information, see

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-10-2007
  • End: 06-14-2007.