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1 June 2008 – 5 June 2008

True Urbanism: Designing the Healthy City

[i]46th International Making Cities Livable Conference [/i] June 1-5, 2008 La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, NM Invitation to Exhibit & Call for Papers - [b]deadline October 30th [/b] An international conference for city officials, developers, practitioners and scholars in planning, urban design, architecture, landscape architecture, transportation planning, health policy and social sciences from many parts of the world. Purpose: to engage in a dialogue on the relationship between the built environment and livability, health and sustainability; to learn from the best models, and to establish working relationships to effect change. Planners, developers, architects and cities are invited to submit proposals for an exhibit of mixed-use urban fabric – projects already constructed, or in design. Designs must be 3 - 6 stories, mixed-use, including residential to quality. Selected projects will be exhibited at the conference where awards will be made for outstanding projects. Large and small projects in the following categories are eligible: Mixed-use in new Greenfield/Brownfield neighborhoods ** Transit-based new mixed-use development ** Redesign of suburban malls & strip malls as mixed-use ** Restored historic mixed-use & new infill designs. Please send a 250 word abstract to: [[/url]. Suzanne H. Crowhurst Lennard Ph.D.(Arch.), Program Committee Chair, IMCL Conferences, PO Box 7586, Carmel, CA 93921. Fax: +1- 831-624-5126. Paper abstracts must be prepared for blind peer review (as email attachments). Cover letter or email should identify the author. Final date for paper proposals due: October 31, 2007. Notification sent within 4 weeks of submission. Accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference. For more information, see

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-01-2008
  • End: 06-05-2008.