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4 September 2009 – 7 September 2009

Urban morphology and urban transformation

[i]Sixteenth International Seminar on Urban Form [/i] Guangzhou, China, 4 -7 September 2009 [b]Call for papers[/b] The organizers and the Council of ISUF invite participation in the Conference by interested academics and professionals. Topics on which proposals are particularly welcome include: urban morphological theory; urbanmorphology, planning and design; urbanmorphology and architectural design; newdevelopments in research on building typology; typologicalresearch, planning and design; citiesin transition; citiesin a global era; urbanform in Asia; traditionalurban form; urbanheritage and change; geospatialtechnology in urban morphology. Proposals for papers should take the form of abstracts of papers, in either English or Chinese. They should be prepared in the following format: title of paper, author(s) name, affiliation, address, e-mail address, telephone number, keywords and 250-word abstract. They should be e-mailed to Professor Yinsheng Tian ( [][/url] ). More information is available onthe ISUF website

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-04-2009
  • End: 09-07-2009.