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8 December 2011 – 22 December 2011
Urban Transcripts 2011 Rome, the Accidental City An exhibition, a conference, a workshop CALL FOR PROJECTS
Rome, Italy
DEADLINE: 30.09.2011
Urban Transcripts was born out of an interest to create a new tool through which to explore cities in a participatory and cross-disciplinary way. It was initiated in 2010 as a series of annual events, such as exhibitions, conferences, workshops, and publications, centred around a specific agenda every year, addressing issues in a particular city, or transversal themes common to a number of different cities.
Through an annual call-for-projects open to the wider public, Urban Transcripts solicits projects in a range of disciplines, from architecture and urban design to film and social research, in a variety of critical and creative media. Our series of events and actions is composed of an extensive selection of the projects submitted, curated by a designated committee. In this way,we are creating a unique platform for the advancement of a body of work and knowledge dealing with the urban phenomenon.
Beyond an imagery of the unchanged and unchangeable old town, the realities of the city of Rome finely weave themselves through an everlasting conflict between the remote past, the recent yesterday, and the present. An exploration of Rome as an emergent territory reveals avibrant congregation of “incidental” urban products: informal neighbourhoods resulting from spontaneous development, modernist experiments in (re)housing society, ruins of a history that tourism has forgotten, bold transportation infrastructure piercing through the city's residential fabric, urban voids or even unspoilt countryside that escaped ‘development’, all strikingly interlaced between the threads of time, in the junctures and overlaps between planned form and plan-resistant city. They appear like parts of an accidental city: a city of the unexpected contrasts in built forms and urban landscapes, a city continuously redefined by itscitizens’ spontaneous appropriation of space, a city of the unpredictable play between people, space and time.
We invite you to explore the accident(al) in the city of Rome: the accident(al) which happens over time and transforms the "essence" of the city that would otherwise remain unchanged, theaccident(al) which adds surprise and complexity to our reality and challenges ourunderstanding of the city, the accident(al) which generates the energy to recreate and reshapethe city.
Urban Transcripts 2011 is calling for projects in the visual arts, theory and research, architecture and urban design, which engage in critical and creative approaches with this theme and the problematics it evokes.
1. Visual Arts
Including, but not limited to: filmmaking, photography, drawing, painting, sculpture,printmaking, design.
2. Theory and Research
Including, but not limited to: theory and research papers, articles, publications.
3. Architecture and Urban design
Including, but not limited to: architectural design projects, proposed architectural and urbandesign interventions, urban design strategies.
Website: http://news.urbantranscripts.org
Facebook webpage: http://www.facebook.com/urbantranscripts
Email: info@urbantranscripts.org
Event schedule:
- Start: 12-08-2011
- End: 12-22-2011.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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