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Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning
Volume 1
edited by Bruce Stiftel and Vanessa Watson
What is Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning?
DURP is a book series published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis of London in conjunction with the Global Planning Education Association Network.(GPEAN) This series hopes to improve entre to 'foreign' schoarship for urban planners working in each of the world's nations and languages and, as a result, to promote better integration, cross-fertilization and criticism. Papers are nominated by each of the nine GPEAN member associations (shown below) and then chosen by an international editorial board (also shown below). The inaugural English-language volume was released in print and electronic editions in Fall 2004. Translations to additional languages will be made available as funding permits.
In the past, urban planning scholarship has been constrained by limited communication across national and language boundaries. Legal, institutional and cultural considerations have often been assumed as givens in planning scholarship because the degree of variation among them may be quite limited within individual nations. Efforts to promote international exchange in planning scholarship, accelerated in the past decade, and highlighted by the first World Planning Schools Congress held in Shanghai in 2001, suggest that the potential value of comparative work is quite high. At the same time, language and library budgets limit access to planning scholarship worldwide. The DURP book series seeks to offer a sampling of the best urban planning scholarship from each of the world's planning scholarship communities to scholars in the other communities. While a small sample of papers can only do so much, we believe the current level of access is such that a book series featuring some of the best scholarship from each community will be powerful in suggesting models and in leading scholars to new resources.
Nominations are chosen by each planning school association through nominating committees. Specific methods of choice vary by association, with some selecting the best papers in certain journals, and others reviewing open suggestions from their member faculty. The International Editorial Board then reviews all nominated papers and selects those which will be published in each bi-annual book. The objective is to select examples of the best urban and regional planning scholarship including work from each of the world's regions. Works previously published, of course, are only re-published with the permission of the copyright holder.
Each bi-annual volume will be published in English and marketed world wide in print and electronic editions by Routledge. Then, with support of national and multi-lateral organizations, translations of the papers will be made available in other languages. The expectation is for broad coverage in university libraries worldwide, purchase by individual planning scholars, as well as use as a text in doctoral coursework. The first volume in the series features twelve papers, originally published on six continents in four languages.
What associations cooperate in GPEAN?
Association of African Planning Schools
A network of 14 planning schools in 7 countries.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
A membership organization in the USA with 120 member schools.
Association of Canadian University Planning Programs
A membership organization with 17 members.
Association of European Schools of Planning
A membership organization with 140 member schools in 20 countries.
Association of Latin-american Schools of Urban Planning (ALEUP)
A membership organization with 10 member schools in Argentina, Mexico and Venezuela.
National Association of Urban and Regional Post-garduate and Research Programs
A membership organization in Brazil with 32 member programs..
Australia and New Zealand Association of Planning Schools (ANZAPS)
A network of 14 planning schools in Australia and New Zealand.
Association for the Development of Planning Education and Research
A membership organization of 28 schools offering instruction using French language in Algeria, Canada, France and Tunisia.
Asian Planning Schools Association
A membership organization of 19 member schools in 13 countries.
Who are the members of the Internaitonal Editorial Board?
Sigmund ASMERVIK, Professor of Land Use and Landscape Planning, Agricultureal University of Norway (AESOP).
Marco A.A. de Filgueiras GOMES, Professor of Architecture, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (ANPUR).
Tom HARPER, Professor of Urban Planning, University of Calgary, Canada (ACUPP).
Alain MOTTE, Universities Professor of Regional Management, University of Aix-Marseille, France (APERAU).
Roberto RODRIGUEZ, Professor of Urban Planning, Simon Bolivar University, Venezuela (ALEUP).
Bruce STIFTEL, Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University, USA (ACSP), co-Chair.
Vanessa WATSON, Professor of City and Regional Planning, University of Cape Town, South Africa (AAPS), co-Chair.
Angus WITHERBY, Director, Centre for Local Government, University of New England, Australia (ANZAPS).
Anthony G.O. YEH, Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, University of Hong Kong (APSA).
The contents of Dialogues 1 includes the following:
1. Introduction: Building Global Integration in Planning Scholarship,
Bruce Stiftel and Vanessa Watson
2. Mixed Use in Theory and Practice: Canadian Experience with Implementing a Planning, Principle Jill Grant
3. Uncertain Legacy: Sydney's Olympic Stadiums,
Glen Searle
4. Land Markets, Social Reproduction and the Configuration of Urban Space: A Case Study of Five Municipalities in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area,
Juan D. Lombardo, Mercedes DiVirgilio and Leonard Fernández
5. Designing Whole Landscapes,
Paul M. Dolman, Andrew Lovett, Tim O'Riordan and Dick Cobb
6. Management of Urban Regeneration and Conservation in China: A Case of Shanghai,
Jiantao Zhang
7. Ecological-economic Zoning in the Brazilian Amazon Region: The Imperfect Panoptism Henri Acselrad
8. Walking in Another's Shoes: Epistemological Challenges in Participatory Planning,
Karen Umemoto
9. Urban Planning and Intergroup Conflict: Confronting a Fractured Public Interest,
Scott A. Bollens
10. Pragmatic Planning in Multi-stakeholder Tourism-Environmental Conflicts,
Tazim B. Jamal, Stanley M. Stein and Thomas L. Harper
11. The Usefulness of Normative Planning Theories in the Context of Sub-Saharan Africa,
Vanessa Watson
12. Out of the Closet: The Importance of Stories and Storytelling in Planning Practice,
Leonie Sandercock
13. Dilemmas in Critical Planning Theory,
Raine Mäntysalo
About the Author
Bruce Stiftel is professor of urban and regional planning at Florida State University, USA. Vanessa Watson is professor in the City and Regional Planning programme and deputy director of the school of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics at the
University of Cape Town, South Africa.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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