Territorial cohesion and the European model of society
edited by Andreas Faludi
The publication of this volume offers an occasion to revisit European Spatial Planning (2002), which sought to familiarize American planners with the European approach to transnational planning.
In this new book, based on a conference in Vienna in June 2005, the authors examine territorial cohesion as a successor concept to the European Spatial Development Perspective.
Fundamental ideas about Europe and its distinct "model of society" lie behind the concept of territorial cohesion, which can be understood as a goal of spatial equity that tends to favor development-in-place over selective migration to locations of greater opportunity.
This approach contrasts with an American social model that views the equity principle behind terrritorial cohesion to be diametrically opposed to the efficiency principle based on free mobility of labor.
• The European Model of Society, Andreas Faludi
• The origins of territorial cohesion and the vagaries of its trajectory, Jacques Robert
• Territoruial cohesion: the underlying discourses, Bas Waterhout
• Territorial cohesion and the European model of society: French perspectives, Jean Peyrony
• Territorial cohesion, the European social model, and spatial policy research, Simin Davoudi
• Delivering territorial cohesion: European cohesion policy and the European model of society, John Bachtler and Laura Polverari
• Territorial development polcies in the European model of society, Roberto Camagni
• Chasing a moving target: territorial cohesion policy in a Europe with uncertain borders, Jean-Francois Drevet
• The Vienna-Bratislava-Gyor triangle: the European model of society in action, Gabriele Tatzberger
• Unraveling Europe's spatial structure through spatial visioning, Wil Zonneveld
About the Lincoln institute of land policy
Andreas Faludi is a faculty associate at the Lincoln Institute and professor at OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.
He has written extensively on planning theory and on Dutch and European planning, including European Spatial Planning (Lincoln Institute, 2002).
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
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