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12 September 2016 – 16 September 2016
52nd ISOCARP Congress and Technical Workshops CITIES WE HAVE VS. CITIES WE NEED
Durban, South Africa
DEADLINE: 20.06.2016
ISOCARP, International Society of City and Regional Planners
MAIN THEME: The Cities We Have Vs. Cities We Need
Urban populations in cities around the world are growing at unprecedented rates, changing the profiles of the urban world and redefining the outlook of the urban phenomenon. As cities grow, there are complex challenges stemming from stretched transportation, housing, energy and water infrastructure. This challenges urban practitioners to harness urbanisation for sustainable development and inclusive growth in these cities under strenuous conditions. Hence, the pressure to reinvent planning and transform cities at local, regional and national scales. Architects, engineers, urban planners, civil society and policy makers face unprecedented challenges to creating sustainable, healthy, ‘smart’, ‘green’, adaptive, inclusive, productive, safe, flexible and resilient cities.
The theme of the 52nd ISOCARP International Planning Congress “Cities we Have vs. Cities we Need” is conceived as a catalyst to foster trans-disciplinary ways to interpret the past and conceive the future of cities. This requires a reflection on current practice of planning and the making of cities and for the generation of different ways in which the cities we need are created. It calls for sharing of knowledge and practice about cities as well as innovative ways in which desirable cities of the future are created. The theme provides an opportunity to work toward collaborative solutions for the challenges faced by the cities we have in order to create the cities we need in future.
1. Transforming human settlements
This theme focuses on the planning, building, development and management of human settlements. It addresses spatial patterns of social and economic inequality and their potential integration.
2. Planning Activism and Social Justice
This theme is focused on the role of activism within planning process and how it has impacted cities and redefined planning priorities, for better and worse.
3. Envisaging Planning Theory and Practice for the next decades
This theme provides a critique of inherited planning practices and highlights innovation where planning theory and practice is reinvented or recast to create more relevant cities in the developing world.
4. Urban Planning and Policy making in times of uncertainty, fragility and insecurity
Planning is an instrument that can help address the challenge of environmental, political and economic uncertainty, but it can also be used to dominate and subjugate citizens. This theme elaborates the role of planning in situations of flux.
5. Intelligent Cities for People
This theme tackles the definition of smart cities where technology and access to data can be exploited for an unprecedented awareness and control of our built environment. While technology flourishes, have the human priorities of these cities been appropriately defined?
6. Planning for an interlinked and integrated rural-urban development
This subtheme explores the changing conceptualization of the urban rural divide and the possibility of new forms of urbanity and rural existence. Should or can rural-urban migration be mitigated by intelligent villages and rural development? Must urban development be more shaped by its non-urban context?
Deadline for Paper Submission: 20 June 2016
Please read the Guidelines for Abstract and Paper Submission carefully.
On 12 September six technical tours/workshops will be organised to provide an experience of the “cities we have” in South Africa. It is a day to see actually how South African cities work and the very orderly, dynamic and creative processes which animate them. The tours are organised such that they cover at least two or more of the conference themes. They also provide an experience of the diverse South African environments in terms of rural, urban, industrial, informal, suburban and oceanic locations.
• Congress Participants are expected to choose one of the six tours.
• There is a limit for each Technical Workshop of 50 participants. First come, first served base.
1. City of eThekwini | Inner City Development
2. City of eThekwini | Peri-urban development
3. City of Umhlathuze | Empangeni and uMzingwenya Settlement
4. KwaDukuza Municipality | Southern region EThembeni Precinct Groutville Rocky Park Integrated Housing Project
5. Hibiscus Coast Municipality | Uvongo Settlement and Masinenge Informal Settlement
6. Msunduzi Municipality | Greater Edendale and Vulindlela Development Area
More detail about workshops:
• Non-Member : 490€ / 590€
• ISOCARP Member : 390€ / 490€
• Developing Countries More information : 250€ / 325€
• Under 35 years of age and selected YPPs : 250€ / 325€
• Day Registration : 225€ / 225€
• Accompanying Partner : 100€ / 100€
(no business partner or planner colleagues)
More detail about registration fee:
Congress registration fee includes:
• Technical Tours (12 September)
• Welcome reception (13 September)
• Entertainment evening (14 September)
• Congress Dinner (15 September)
• Congress Lunches
• Congress Portfolio including the following:
1. Final Programme
2. Congress Proceedings including the Introductory Reports by the Congress Team and full papers by invited authors
3. ISOCARP REVIEW 12 (2016), a thematic publication complementing the research efforts for each ISOCARP Congress with a collection of articles by invited contributors
Cancellation of registration must be sent to the ISOCARP Head Office.
• Cancellations received before 13-07-2016: 100% refund minus handling costs Euro 80.
• Cancellations received from 13-07-2016 to 12-08-2016: 70% refund.
• Cancellation received from 13-08-2016 and no show: no refunds.
• Guy Perry (General Rapporteur of the congress)
Members of his Congress Team
Track 1: Transforming human settlements
• Malgorzata Hanzl, Poland/USA
• Ahmed Sangaré, Côte d’Ivoire
Track 2: Planning activism and social justice
• Brett Clavio, USA
• Dorota Kamrowska-Zaluska, Poland
Track 3: Envisaging planning theory and practice for the next decades
• Milena Ivkovic, Netherlands/Serbia
• Nuin-Tara Key, USA
Track 4: Urban planning and policy making in times of uncertainty, fragility and insecurity
• Jacob Babarinde, Papua New Guinea
• Elizabeth Reynolds, England/Australia
Track 5: Intelligent cities for people
• Huang Jianxiang, Hongkong
• Awais Piracha, Australia
Track 6: Planning for an interlinked and integrated rural-urban development
• Tathagata Chatterij, India
• Lorraine Gonzales, USA
This year, next to the well-established ISOCARP AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE and the 16th edition of the GERD ALBERS AWARD, ISOCARP is launching a new award dedicated to the future generation of planners, those who will be in charge of creating the cities we need – ISOCARP STUDENTS AWARD. Details of the awards are illustrated below:
• ISOCARP Congress Website
• E-Mail:
• Mailing Address: P.O. Box 983 | 2501 CZ The Hague | The Netherlands
• Visiting Address: Laan van Meerdervoort 70 | 2517 AN The Hague | The Netherlands
• Phone: +3170.346.2654
• Fax: +3170.361.7909
Event schedule:
- Start: 09-12-2016
- End: 09-16-2016.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
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Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
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Planum Association
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