ifau2018 information technology social practices city-regions Cohesion competition call for articles knowledge urban design citizenship urban market resilience urban regeneration local plans sprawl representation large scale plans & projects public policies ricerca premio letteratura urbanistica educational maps scali ferroviari giornata di studi inu housing
24 November 2016 – 25 November 2016
RSA WINTER CONFERENCE 2016 New Pressures on Cities and Regions
London, United Kingdom
RSA | Regional Studies Association
University of Sheffield, UK
University of Cambridge, UK
The global economic slowdown poses major concerns to many territories – through shortfalls in employment, household incomes, corporate profitability and tax revenues. The steel industry has been one of the hardest hit, forcing massive plant closures and redundancies from China to the UK. Austerity in public finances threatens the infrastructure required to lay the foundation for future growth and development. Economic uncertainties and uneven development also contribute to growing social unrest and new waves of international migration. Meanwhile the accelerating pace of technological change in many industries and occupations means different skills and capabilities are required of the workforce, causing painful adjustments for many communities. And looming concerns about climate change and accelerating environmental degradation complicate the task of urban and regional revitalisation.
The 2016 Winter Conference of the Regional Studies Association presents a timely opportunity to discuss these issues, to clarify the research imperatives, and to consider the challenges facing policymakers and practitioners.
• Economic Malaise and the Social Consequences
Unemployment, migration, hardship and social tensions
• Austerity and the financing of urban and regional investment
Public-Private financial investments and ventures, new patterns of ownership and control, transport
• Whose City and Region: liveability and inclusion
Sustainable human settlements, cohesion and inequality, demographic shifts, environmental responsibility and justice
• City and Region Building: Governance and Institutions
Multilevel governance, devolved governance, federalism, trust and accountability
• Smart(er) Cities and Regions: The role of technology
Security, participatory urbanism, smart cities, and big data infrastructures
• Between 400-500 words in length
• Titled
• Text only; no diagrams, graphs, pictures, citations or maps
• All contributing authors must be named when submitting the paper via the online registration
portal, with their country and institution, otherwise they may not appear in the conference
volume. If you have problems with this, please contact the office
• Indicate which theme the paper is being submitted under
To submit the abstract please go to:
before 24th August 2016. Proposals will be considered by the Conference Programme Committee against the criteria of originality and interest, subject balance and geographical spread.
Opening Plenary Session:
• Ross DeVol | Milken Institute, USA
Plenary 2:
• Jamie Peck | Department of Geography, University of British Columbia
The conference is open to RSA members and non-members. RSA members benefit from a lower registration fee.Non-members signing up for the conference might wish to join the RSA to then benefit from the reduced conference fee for members and the membership benefits.
Membership type |
RSA Member Conference fee |
Non-member |
Conference fee and Membership package* |
Individual |
£240 |
£315 |
£314.40 |
Early Career** |
£175 |
£235 |
£231.80 |
Student |
£135 |
£185 |
£170.20 |
Associate*** |
£185 |
£245 |
£241.80 |
*Conference and membership fee package includes the conference registration fee and 20% discounted RSA membership fee.
** The Early Career rate is for those within 5 years of the date of their PhD certificate or equivalent.
*** Associate membership is for members who have retired from full-time work.
Academic Organisers
• Professor Martin Jones, University of Sheffield, UK
• Professor Ron Martin, the University of Cambridge, UK
RSA Organiser
• Wanda Miczorek
RSA Winter Conference website
• Wanda Miczorek (RSA Organizer)
Tell: 0044 (0) 1323 899 698
E-mail: wanda.miczorek@regionalstudies.org
Event schedule:
- Start: 11-24-2016
- End: 11-25-2016.
Related articles:
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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