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18 June 2011 – 22 June 2011
2011 AESOP PhD Workshop
Kostelec nad Cernymi Lesy, Czech Republic
AESOP, The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Architecture and The Faculty ofEnvironmental Sciences of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague invite AESOP YA members toparticipate on the 2011 AESOP PhD workshop, that will be held in a renaissance castle in Kostelecnad Cernymi lesy, which is located 30 kilometres (50 minutes by public transportation) fromPrague.The workshop opens for 32 PhD students as an intensive course to support the development oftheir PhD studies. The workshop is a mixture of small intensive working groups and supportingplenary sessions with keynote lectures from prof. Maros Finka, prof. Karel Maier, prof. VincentNadin, and prof. Bruce Stiftel.All further information will be spread through this page of the AESOP Young Academics website.
Dates and Deadlines
28th February 2011: Those interested to participate on the workshop are expected tosubmit an application form that contains an abstract concerning the methods and objectivesof their PhD thesis due to 28th February 24:00 CET on the AESOP Young academicWebsite. Those interested in application for a bursary for the workshop shall reveal their willin the application form.*All candidates need to be registered at the AESOP Young academics website to be able to accessthe application form and deposit documents. Keep in mind that your registration may take sometime, since somebody from the YA CT needs to confirm it manually, so do not wait until 11PM of28th February.
15th April 2011: The candidates will be notified about their selection by 15th April 2011.They will be selected by the PhD workshop committee based on the quality of the abstract.Besides the quality of the abstract, preference is put on candidates who are in early stagesof their studies and have not yet participated on another AESOP PhD Workshop.The candidates that will not be selected for participation on the workshop will be enlisted to awaiting list if they reveal their interest in the application form. The candidates of the waiting list willbe called for participation in case of a withdrawal of a selected participant.
5th May 2011: Selected candidates are requested to pay the full amount of the workshopfee by 5th May 2011 to reflect their true will to participate on the workshop. Under wellfounded circumstances there is a possibility a full refund (transfer costs are due to thecanceller). It is not possible to cancel the participation after 31st May.
31st May 2011: Selected participants are expected to submit a full paper that considerstheir research method and objectives by 31st May 2011
18th - 21st June: Workshop programme (detailed programme will be specified)
22nd June + Post-Workshop program (details will follow)Workshop FeeThe workshop fee is 200 EUR. There will be bursaries available from AESOP that will cover the feeto several eligible applicants of the bursary. The bursary winners will be selected from all bursaryapplications by the Workshop Committee, based on the quality of abstract and the need of thecandidate. The workshop fee covers the tutorship, accommodation and catering at the venueduring the workshop and costs connected directly with the Workshop programme. The fee doesnot cover the transportation costs from the country of residence of the participant to Praguemeeting point and back.
For more information:
Event schedule:
- Start: 06-18-2011
- End: 06-22-2011.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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