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14 June 2011 – 16 June 2011
Approaches for the Intervention in the Architectural Heritage of the 20th Century
Madrid (Spain)
International conference intervention approaches for the 20th century architectural heritage
The selection will be conducted based on a summary with a maximum of 2,000 characters, including spaces, to besent to the scientific secretariat through the website, before the 15th of March 2011.
The conference, which will include prominent architects as keynote speakers will take place in ETSA Madrid, the 14th, 15thand 16th of June 2011, and will follow the ISC20C scientific meeting on the 13th of June, which will assemble leadinginternational conservation practitioners to contribute to the conference debate and public discussion.
The aims of the conference are to call the attention to the growing recognition of the value of the twentieth century heritageand to consider the resulting conservation, protection and management issues relating to this important heritage resource.
The lack of recognition and identification and the lack of technical knowledge and public affection suffered by the 20thcentury architectural heritage is acknowledged, and the speed of change and growth that characterizes contemporarysocieties make this sector of architectural heritage specially vulnerable and threatened. Many of its most remarkable andadmired works have already disappeared in the last decades. It is a heritage in danger, and it is timely to consider whetherexisting heritage management guidelines and processes need expansion to meet the needs of the architectural heritage ofthe twentieth century, particularly in regard to approaches to interventions.
Consideration of these matters has led to a staged process of meetings and international discussion to reflect on experienceworld-wide. Whilst the heritage components of the twentieth century are varied, including buildings, parks, gardens,industries and technologies, the focus of the Madrid meeting will be on architectural heritage. The ISC20C has initiated thepreparation of a short document which will be circulated prior to the conference for discussion in Madrid, and input fromconference participants and speakers will be an important contribution to this process from an architectural perspective. The"Madrid Document", will be discussed during the conference and presented at the final session. This will lay thegroundwork necessary for the development of good approches for conserving 20th century architectural heritage.
The conference will include a series of lecturers of great international relevance in architectural intervention, who willpresent recent trends and case studies in twentieth century architectural heritage identification and recognition andapproaches to conservation and intervention. Principles and examples and will be discussed with the participants in order toconsider international experience.
The conferences, lectures and selected communications will be published by the Ministry for Culture of Spain, together withtext of the Madrid Document.
T1 – Topic 1 - 14th of June"Identification and recognition of the 20th century architectural heritage"
T2 – Topic 2 - 15th of June"Approaches to the conservation and protection of the 20th century architectural heritage"
T3 – Topic 3 - 16th of June"Approches to intervention in the 20th century architectural heritage"
Event schedule:
- Start: 06-14-2011
- End: 06-16-2011.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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