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17 June 2009

Architectural and competitive practices across Europe: challenged and topically presented by wonderland

[i]The architectural platform wonderland invites to the exhibition opening of "Deadline Today!" [/i] June 17th, 2009 Architekturzentrum, Wien On the role of competitions in architecture, the European architectural platform wonderland presents the results of an Europe-wide call for models from June 18th to July 20th at the Architekturzentrum Vienna (Az W), entitled "Deadline Today! 99 + stories on making architectural competitions". The platform is based in Vienna, but positions itself as clearly European. wonderland's exhibition concept rests upon a study of competitions' influence on current architectural practice. Models and individual stories of architect's offices from all over Europe are displayed, as is their experimental and innovative handling of competition calls. At the English-speaking symposium "Making Competitions: Within the limits / Beyond the limits" on June 18th, likewise at Az W, international competition participants, jurors, organisations issuing the invitation to bid, and wonderland team members report and discuss to what extent competitions can secure assignments, which competition should be favoured, and what framework is provided for architects in a Europe-wide comparison. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-17-2009
  • End: 06-17-2009.