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28 May 2009

Call for the realization of the new AESOP website

[i]AESOP Association[/i] The Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) is a representation body which brings together the Planning Schools of Europe. Given its unique position, AESOP aims to strengthen its profile as a professional body, mobilizing its resources in order to take a leading role in ongoing debates and initiatives regarding the education and qualification of future planning professionals. The most crucial of AESOP communication techniques is the website. AESOP currently operates a web site ( which provides basic functionality (news, downloads, general information) to the public, mainly through static pages which are maintained using web design tools, such as Microsoft Frontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver etc. While such a website at the moment is fulfilling the unidirectional role it was designed for, technological improvements could make this role much easier to fulfill and expand it into a more interactive tool. Enhanced interactivity is considered to be absolutely crucial for AESOP to move to a more client based approach focused on service provision. In order to further enhance its connection to current members as well as the public, AESOP intends to introduce a new website to the public during 2009 with a view to operating certain key features by December 2009. Therefore, AESOP is now re-launching the call for the development of its website, and is looking forward to receive the application of any interested web-design company. Deadline for the application: 15th June 2009 For more information: Download the application

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-28-2009
  • End: 05-28-2009.