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7 June 2010

Cerdà postmetropolis

[i]International Congress Government of Metropolitan Regions in the 21st Century[/i] From 8 June 2010 to 12 June 2010 Barcèlona June 2009 saw the beginning of the events held in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the approval of Ildefons Cerdà’s Barcelona Eixample Plan. This is a celebration of the past that aims to look to the future, offering the opportunity to review urban planning in the territory and the social construction of the city in order to confirm the need for a gesture like the one Cerdà made when he proposed the Eixample neighbourhood for Barcelona. Updating urban policy for the compact city, planning new policy for areas of disperse urbanisation and, in both cases, planning strategies and actions to the measure of territory on a scale that goes beyond administrative limits of municipalities: this is the Cerdà gesture that Barcelona hopes to benefit from in this new century, and this is the spirit of the “Cerdà Postmetropolis” Congress that will be held in the CCCB, bringing together over sixty experts in the local and international domains, as the concluding event of the Cerdà Year. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-07-2010
  • End: 06-07-2010.