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30 October 2021
City + 2021 @ Milan International Conference for PhD Students on Urban Studies
Call for Abstracts
Milan, Italy
Conference Date | October 30, 2021
CityPlus | Official Website
Call for Abstract | Webpage
DAStU | Webpage Event
Call for Abstract | PDF
City+, an urban studies research network led by early career researchers, is organizing annual international conferences for early career researchers and PhD students on urban studies. The first event, City+ 2017 @ Cambridge, was launched at University of Cambridge, followed by City+ 2018 @ London at University College London and City+ 2019 @ Delft at Delft University of Technology. To date, our conferences have attracted approximately 260 delegates coming from a number of universities and organizations and from Asia, Europe and North America, demonstrating the conference’s potential to become a good platform to share research experiences, provide cooperation opportunities and address increasingly complex urban concerns from multiple perspectives.
This year City+ 2021 @ Milan will be held on October 30 at Polytechnic University of Milan. The Conference is held by the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), by the organizers with diverse backgrounds from its three Ph.D. Programs: Urban Planning, Design and Policy (UPDP), Preservation of the Architectural Heritage (PAH), and Architectural, Urban and Interior Design (AUID). Serving as a platform, City+ 2021 @ Milan is expected to facilitate young researchers to work closely at the forefront of urban studies through disseminating their research, receiving valuable feedbacks, expanding academic networks and boosting potential cooperation.
Within the theme “Modeling a Resilient and Smart Urban Life”, this conference aims to demonstrate the different aspects of modeling in urban studies.
► Theme 1 Smart city and beyond
► Theme 2 New form of participation
► Theme 3 Low Carbon and inclusive cities
► Theme 4 Active travel and urban mobility
► Theme 5 Protection and reuse of cultural heritage
► Theme 6 Anti-fragile urban agricolture
We welcome abstracts which should include:
1. Title, keywords (3-5), text (200-500 words), and references
(optional, max. 5)
2. Theme number, and sub-topic number to which the abstract refers to
3. Publication details, if it is a published work
4. Contact information
Submission Details
Please fill an abstract form and then send it to 2021cityplus@gmail.com
The form can be found at our website
Deadline for abstract submission: August 10, 2021.
Notification of abstract acceptance: September 10, 2021.
English will be the official language of City+ Conference.
You can download the template of the abstracts from this link
Organizing Institutes
DAStU, Politecnico di Milano | City+ network
website | CityPlus
email | info.2021cityplus@gmail.com
Event schedule:
- Start: 10-30-2021
- End: 10-30-2021.

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3