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2 September 2009 – 25 October 2009

City on the Move Institute

see you in September [b]In Santiago, Chile [/b]with: - the exhibition “La calle es nuestra... de todos nos !” [b]from September 2 at the Metro Exhibition Centre[/b]: the exhibition and debate initiated by IVM will be accompanied by Chilean projects and lectures. - the international conference “Day-to-day mobility and the fair society” on September 3 and 4 at the Catholic University of Santiago in Chile with researchers and urban movers and shakers from Latin America and Europe. In partnership with the Catholic University of Chile, Veolia Transport, the Santiago Metro, the French embassy in Chile, Chile's Housing and Urban Development Ministry, Gefco, PSA Peugeot Citroën Argentina [b]In Paris [/b]with: - the exhibition "Villes rêvées, villes durables ?" (Dream cities, sustainable cities?) [b]from October 23 at the EDF Foundation[/b]: According to a SOFRES survey, more than 87% of French people would like to live in a house. Immersing visitors in the dreams and counter-dreams of city dwellers, the exhibition explores the conflicting desire for space and for centrality. Its aim is to raise awareness amongst the public – beyond experts and specialists – of the major challenges facing urban planning today, and the need for new compromises. Jointly produced by the EDF Diversiterre Foundation and City on the Move - three new public sessions in the “Climate change, urban mobility and Cleantech” program on the topics of: “Climate plans, an instrument for local authorities” (October 28), “Technological innovations: measuring their effectiveness”, “Will the information technologies save planet USA?” In partnership with SciencesPo and Telecom ParisTech [b]New publications[/b]: “Où vont les taxis ? Partout dans le monde au service de la mobilité”, by Richard Darbéra, published by Descartes et cie; October 2009 The book is inspired by the debates at the international conference organised by IVM in Lisbon in 2007. Richard Darbera unpacks the problems and prospects of the taxi. For more information visit the official site :

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-02-2009
  • End: 10-25-2009.