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25 June 2009 – 26 June 2009

Communicative Cities: Integrating Technology and Place Conference

25-26 June 2009 Columbus, Ohio The theme: "Communicative Cities" encompasses a variety of areas (design, public policy, journalism) across referent scales and settings (downtowns, city/regional, global), and seeks to address questions such as o What makes a communicative city? o How do cities facilitate communication? o How can technology and face-to-face communication be integrated in a global world? o What are the challenges from the exponential rise in communication technology? o What are the potential impacts on place and community? o How can global connectivity and data accessibility be achieved? We welcome three kinds of presentations: Traditional papers; Presentations of designs or plans; Symposium on a single topic with 3-4 presenters and a moderator. Please review the website for all information regarding specifics of submissions including various types of presentations, awards, and all other information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-25-2009
  • End: 06-26-2009.