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17 August 2009 – 22 August 2009

Comparative Urban Studies

[i]Summer School on Comparative Urban Studies[/i] São Paulo (Brazil), 17-22 August 2009 The school will take place in Sao Paulo (BR) from the 17th to the 22nd of August 2009 in connection with the subsequent RC21 Conference on “Inequality, Inclusion and the Sense of Belonging” (23 - 25 August 2009; for info on conference Topics to be studied in the School include the similarities and differences between cities in the global North and South; Sao Paulo itself (to include guided tours of the city); segregation, inequality and poverty; belonging and exclusion in the city. About fifteen relatively generous scholarships are available for participants from countries classified in category “B” and “C” by ISA. The link is: here you’ll find all relevant information.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 08-17-2009
  • End: 08-22-2009.