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14 January 2009

Detail gala 2009 - the evening event of bau 2009!

[i]Award Ceremony of international DETAIL Prize 2009[/i] Wednesday, 14th January 2009, 6:00pm Munich House of Artists, Lenbachplatz 8, 80333 Munich, Germany DETAIL invites you, in cooperation with the Bavarian Chamber of Architects and the Federation of German Architects BDA Bayern e.V., to the DETAIL Gala 2009, the awards ceremony for the renowned DETAIL Prize, to be held on 14 January 2009 at the Munich House of Artists. International guests from architecture, commerce, construction, industry, art and culture will all actively take part in the gala. Good food, music and dance will make this THE social get-together for the architectural scene. In October the jury nominated a total of three projects in each special prize category, and the award winners will be announced and handed their awards during this glamorous architecture gala event. The official part of the evening will start with a talk by Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin (ex-German Culture Minister, Philosopher and Political Scientist at the LMU University Munich) on urban society and urbanity. In a globalized world, political, social, environmental and economical aspects increasingly influence international architecture and urban development. The bilingual event will be hosted by Andreas Ruby (architecture critic, Berlin) and the award ceremony itself will be entertaining and similar in style to the Oscars. As the evening's highlight, the DETAIL honorary prize is awarded to Sverre Fehn for his outstanding work irrespective of category. The congratulatory speech will be made by Christian Marquart, author and architectural critic. Tickets and Registration DETAIL Gala 2009: 35 € (inklusive day ticket for BAU 2009, shuttle service, buffet and drinks) DETAIL Gala 2009 + DETAIL Symposium Energy and Sustainability: regular 90 €, DETAIL subscribers 75 €, students 50 € (inklusive day ticket for BAU 2009, shuttle service, buffet and drinks) Registration at:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 01-14-2009
  • End: 01-14-2009.