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25 September 2013 – 28 September 2013
EAEA 2013 11th Conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association (CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSED)
Milano, Italy
Politecnico di Milano | Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
DEADLINE: 15.11.2012
Politecnico di Milano
DIAP, Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione
The Politecnico di Milano will host the 11th EAEA Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication Conference in 2013.
The objective is to investigate the role of visualization as a tool for conception, verification, evaluation and communication of architecture and space. In particular we intend visualization as a platform for experimentation, exploration, research, user participation and teaching.
Following the mission of the association, the conference is meant to be a platform for communication and exchange of experiences, experimentation, research and collaboration in the field of environmental simulation in architecture and urban design.
In particular, a focus on three tracks is proposed for the EAEA11, namely:
• Track 1 | Visualizing Sustainability:
making the invisible visible.
• Track 2 | Experiential Simulation:
the sensorial perception of the built environment.
• Track 3 | Conceptual Representation:
exploring the layout of the built environment.
The call is open to researchers, teachers, students and professionals involved in architectural and urban simulation with emphasis on perceptual and environmental aspects. Participants are asked to register and to submit a paper or simply take part as auditors; a poster session will be organized as well. The scientific committee will provide a blind review of the papers. Keynote speakers, experts in the field of architectural and urban simulation, will be invited.
EAEA11 invites submissions of research papers on the following topics:
• Architectural and urban simulation;
• Sustainable design;
• Experiential architecture and urbanism;
• Representation of architecture and the built environment;
• Teaching and education dealing with representation;
• The use of simulation in the professional field;
• Industry research.
€ 300: regular fee
€ 230: fee for students
16.07.2012 | 1st announcement and call for abstracts
03.09.2012 | 2ndannouncement and call for abstracts
15.11.2012 | submission of abstracts
15.01.2013 | announcement of accepted abstracts
01.03.2013 | submission of papers and registration
30.06.2013 | final papers submission
01.08.2013 | early registration deadline
• Prof. Andrea Arcidiacono, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Iwert Bernakiewicz, Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg University College
• Prof. Ir. Jack Breen, Delft University of Technology
• Prof. Claudio Comi, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Lidia Diappi, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Dominik Lengyel Brandenburg, University of Technology
• Dr. Eugenio Morello, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Dr. Ryuzo Ohno, Tokyo Institute of Technology
• Dr. Barbara E.A. Piga, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Laura Pogliani, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Sergio Porta, University of Strathclyde
• Prof. Ombretta Romice, University of Strathclyde
• Prof. Rossella Salerno, Politecnico di Milano
• Prof. Giovanni Scudo, Politecnico di Milano
• Dr. Ir. Martijn Stellingwerff, Delft University of Technology
• Dipl. Ing. Catherine Toulouse, Brandenburg University of Technology
• Prof. Dr. Ralf Weber, Dresden University of Technology
• Prof. Saleh Uddin, Southern Polytechnic State University
• Eugenio Morello
• Barbara E. A. Piga
• Laura Cibien
• Valerio Signorelli
Conference Website
TEL: +39 02 2399 5561
FAX: +39 02 2399 5534
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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