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25 March 2009 – 27 March 2009

EcoProcura 2009

[i]Climate Neutral through Procurement[/i] 25-27 March 2009 Reykjavik, Iceland ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and Reykjavik City Council are pleased to announce the EcoProcura 2009 conference: Climate Neutral through Procurement. The aim of this conference is to exchange ideas, experiences, concepts and opinions on how sustainable procurement can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change. This unique meeting place provides a platform to promote exchange amongst purchasers from all levels of governments, policy-makers, product designers, suppliers, manufacturers and multipliers. The conference will: • Present the key challenges caused by climate change and how sustainable procurement can support mitigation and adaptation strategies without compromising on social and economic aspects. • Provide a dynamic environment within which cities and the private sector can explore the needs and types of sustainable products and services required by public authorities and the solutions offered by businesses. • Present how procurement can drive innovation and act as a launching pad for new sustainable technologies. • Discuss the opportunities for early market engagement between public authority procurers and suppliers in the pre-procurement phase. • Develop a position on how sustainable procurement can play a role in the global climate debate towards a post 2012 global climate agreement to be developed at the United Nations Climate Summit in Copenhagen 2009. [b]Registration will open in July 2008[/b] Latest conference information is available at:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 03-25-2009
  • End: 03-27-2009.