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22 July 2008 – 10 August 2008

Environment, Society, and Culture of Ecuador

[i]South America Adventure[/i] July 22 –Aug 10 4 credits Summer 2008 Eastern Illinois University is pleased to invite students, teachers, friends and adult family to enjoy the geography, earth science, culture and history of Ecuador July 22 to August 10, 2008. This sixth summer field studies in Ecuador earns 4 undergraduate or graduate credits. Meet local people and explore tropical ecological zones in the Andes Mountains, fertile mountain valleys, Amazon rainforest, and enchanted Galapagos Islands. Out of state students welcome and pay in state tuition rate. Registration includes 3 plane tickets (Chicago-Ecuador RT, Quito-jungle RT, Quito-Galapagos RT), Galapagos Islands first class cruise, land transportation, good lodging, most meals, tips and course materials. Contact experienced Faculty Director, Dr. Betty E. Smith or call office (217) 581-6340. More information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-22-2008
  • End: 08-10-2008.