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9 February 2009

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2009

[i]Register now [/i] 9 to 13 february 2009 Energie-Cités is co-organising a number of highly interesting events that will take place during the 3rd EU Sustainable Energy Week (9 to 13 February). Here there is a selection. Register now on >> Prestigious first Covenant of Mayors Ceremony << 10th February, 14h30-17h30 – European Parliament (Brussels) More than 120 local authorities have already signed the Covenant of Mayors, whose commitment will officially be recognised during a prestigious, high visibility event in the European Parliament’s Hemicycle. Participants will be welcomed by Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Energy and Jose Manuel Barroso, Hans-Gert Pöttering and Luc Van den Brande – the respective Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Committee of the Regions. Besides signatory cities, the Mayors from New York, Buenos Aires and Christchurch will contribute to the session via video. If you are a representative of one of these pioneering cities or have the intention to sign the Covenant soon, you are warmly welcome to attend. Please note: This prestigious event is “upon invitation only”. As an Energie-Cités member, you will receive an invitation. However, a limited number of seats will be available for spectators. All spectators interested to attend the event are invited to register. You will be authorised to enter the venue only in case you receive an official invitation from the organisers. >> Plenary conference on “New Opportunities for Local Energy Actors” << 11th February, 14h30-18h30 - Charlemagne Building, Brussels ManagEnergy will present new financing opportunities for local actors and discussions on how to effectively promote energy efficiency and tackle climate change at the local level. The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre will present a number of methodologies for monitoring CO2 emissions. >> The MODEL Awards Ceremony << 9th February, 18:00-19:00 – Charlemagne Building, Room S4 Be present, when the most active and innovative MODEL cities are awarded in 2 categories: -* The Best Municipal Intelligent Energy Days -* The Best Energy Manager/ Energy Management Unit The MODEL Award recognizes the European municipalities from the New Member States and Croatia for their exceptional achievement in the field of local energy management and communication with local actors. The competition is open to the 42 pilot cities and decision makers that joined the European project “MODEL”: >> Presentation of the film: "Energy: The Future Against the Flow" << 11th February 2009, 18:30-20:30 - Berlaymont Building, Press Room The current energy trends are unsustainable and black-outs are not so far! Fortunately, local authorities and actors start to take action and step by step gain the energy, water and other resources autonomy on their territories – a real revolution! The documentary and the succeeding debate in the presence of the authors will be an inspiration for all the European cities and regions (not) aware of the fact that our energy future is in their hands.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 02-09-2009
  • End: 02-09-2009.