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19 April 2012 – 21 April 2012
First International Conference
on Architecture and Urban Design
Tirana, Albania
Epoka University, Tirana, Albania
On behalf of Epoka University, we are pleased to invite you to attend the First International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design, which will be held at Epoka University in Tirana, Albania on April 19-21, 2012. We expect an international audience of about 150 persons, including academics, practicing architects, urban designers, and planners. Abstracts must be submitted for review by January 15, 2012.
Over the past twenty years, Tirana, the capital of Albania, has evolved into a dense, compact, and vibrant city of almost one million people, full of shops, cafes, restaurants, music, colorful buildings, and street life. At the same time, it is choked with automobile traffic, its older façades are crumbling down, and the traditional housing stock is being eroded to make room for condominium buildings. Sustainable construction technologies are in their infancy. High-tech high-rise architecture is juxtaposed with small scale informal additions to communist-era housing units and pre-communist oriental and Western neoclassic homes. While there is much private wealth in the country, the public sector has limited resources. This set of circumstances makes Tirana a very interesting laboratory for architects and urban designers & planners, and an enjoyable place to visit.
1. Architectural history and historic preservation
2. Green building technologies and materials
3. User-friendly public spaces
4. Architecture & urban design education
5. Construction management
6. Information technology in architecture & urban design
• Prof. Dr. Ardeshir Mahdavi
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
• Prof. Dr. Giorgio Gianighian
University IUAV of Venice, Italy
• Prof. Dr. Ilknur Kolay
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
• Prof. Dr. Aspa Gospodini
University of Thessaly, Athens, Greece
• Adj. Assist. Prof. Dr. Deike Peters
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
• Assist. Prof. Dr. Martino Tattara
Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, Holland
• Dr. Paola Ardizzola
MuseoArchitetturaArte, Pescara, Italy
• Mirela Kamberi
United Nations Development Programme, Albania
• Christos Passas
Zaha Hadid Architects & Architectural Association, London, UK
• 120 Euro for international delegates
• 60 Euro for Albanian and Kosovar delegates.
Delegates are free to decide how much to submit or publish. Authors may publish only an abstract in the Abstract book or a full-length manuscript in the Proceedings CD, which will be made available online. Delegates may also attend a conference without submitting or publishing any research.
Authors may present their work during the conference either as (I) a 15-minute oral presentation, or as (II) a poster session.
Epoka University
Autostrada Tirane-Rinas, Km 12
Tirana, Albania
T. +355 42 232 086
T. +355 42 222 077
F. +355 42 222 117
• Conference Web Site
• Epoka University Web Site
Event schedule:
- Start: 04-19-2012
- End: 04-21-2012.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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