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9 November 2006

Great Places, Great Cities

[i]A forum for civic leaders who are shaping the future[/i] Krakow, Poland, Thursday 9th - Friday 10th November 2006 Public spaces are vital parts of every community. Creating great public spaces that benefit our cities and foster security, lively-hood and a sense of belonging is the challenge faced by civic leaders everywhere. This conference brings together leading experts from around the world who are challenging the current paradigm in city planning in order to create better places for people both now and in the future. For 2 days of interactive sessions, participants can learn how to effect change through ‘placemaking’, discuss approaches with leading experts who are pushing the boundaries in urban design, transportation, community development and city renewal and hear real-life stories and experiences from change leaders in the field. The conference will take place in Krakow (Poland), a historical European city that contains a wealth of great public spaces serving a variety of communities. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-09-2006
  • End: 11-09-2006.